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I sighed at the sound of the doorbell. When we got home Ace ran for her room and locked herself in, refusing to speak to me or Alfred. The last thing I need right now is visitors.
"It's master Tim sir" Alfred announced as Tim walked in behind him.
"Now isn't the best time. Ace isn't talking to us after she ran away and dyed her hair brown" I groaned trying to think of what to do with Ace. Has this ever happened with one of the boys? Never mind anything I did with them wouldn't work with her.
"At least she didn't dye it pink and blue-" I glared as Tim made a joke about Ace trying to look more like Harley. "But yeah no she definitely shouldn't just due her hair" Tim scrambled to take back what he said before announcing the reason he was here. "I just wanted to drop of Aces birthday gift" I froze at Tims words.
"It's her birthday?"
"No yesterday- you forgot again?" I rubbed my hands on my face. This is the third time no one remembered her birthday... Alfred had a look of regret on his face that matched mine. "You should really start using a calendar" Tim tried to lighten the mood but I just refocused on the green and white polka dot gift bag in his hand.
"What should I get her?" he just shrugged.
"I don't know, you already spoil her" what?
"I do not spoil her" I looked to Alfred for backup but found none
"Her bed is a California King with an antique frame and an adjustable base" I just got her a bed I thought she'd like.
"Her doll house has working light switches and running faucets" it was a Christmas present.
"She has an entire room as a walk in closet and her-" I cut him off.
"Enough... Maybe I spoil her a bit" I just want her to be happy here.

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