Part 21: Sometimes you need to bring knifes to a wand fight.

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Mazikeen's POV:
As I stepped off the train and looked at the school I just had a bad feeling. I learned from Sirius to always trust my gut around here. I knew Francis and Natalia would be after me. I knew that included my siblings. I got into the carriages with Fred, George and Oliver. I didn't want to tell them about how I felt because I didn't want to worry them. Couldn't we just have one normal year at Hogwarts.

We sat at the Gryffindor table and waited for the first years to be sorted. I had a special case that I kept my blades in so I didn't accidentally stab myself. I took Sirius's advice and kept them on me at all times. Since I knew Francis and Natalia could get into Hogwarts I wasn't going to miss the chance to hurt them both. Since both Andre and Anatole were here at Hogwarts to finish up their last year I knew for a fact that at some point I will have to confront them and defeat them. They have always been stronger than me but I knew if I practiced and learned how to fight better then I can probably take them both down.

I was sitting in the common room when Harry, Hermione and Ron all walked in and sat down "What are you up to Mazikeen?" Harry asked while looking at the book I was reading. "Trying to learn some new spells so I can beat Andre and Anatole if they choose to attack me" I said while looking at my book. Ron looked confused "Wait your brothers go here now?" I closed my book and nodded "Yeah, they are friends with Malfoy now." They all looked surprised. "Don't look so surprised. Not all snakes shed their skin." I said while looking at all of them. Harry shrugged "I thought you liked them" I laughed after he said that. "Until they tried to give me a fake note from Viktor." Hermione looked surprised "What did it say?" I laughed "They tried to make me think he was breaking up with me. I know Viktor well enough to know he would do it in person. He's not mean or cruel." I said while looking down "He does look quite mean though" Harry laughed and I looked up at him "He's not mean. If anything he's nicer than Hagrid, and Hagrid is very nice."  They shrugged and we kept talking until it was time to go to bed.

I couldn't sleep so I walked outside and was soon met with the face of Francis and Natalia. They looked skinny (A/N SKINNY QUEENS WE STAN) and just terrible. I wanted to just scream at them knowing everything they had done. Natalia cackled "Well if it wasn't the blood traitor!" I scowled "YOU BITCH!" I went to strike her with a spell but Francis disarmed me. "Nice try kid." He smirked. Then I remember the daggers Sirius had gifted me. I pulled those out of my pockets and threw them. I hit Natalia in the stomach and Francis in the arm. That gave me enough time to grab my wand and stun them both. I watched as they laid there still and just staring at me.

I saw another death eater walk towards me and I wasn't gonna stick around to become prisoner or worse. I grabbed my knives and ran inside and straight to Professor McGonagall. She sent Snape and a few other professors outside to see if they were still there. I guess they saw the blood on the ground and on my hands so they started asking question after question. I couldn't even comprehend what was even going on at that point. I was scared but thrilled. My heart was racing so fast that was I'm pretty sure everyone could hear it. Soon I was just sent to my dorm while they talked. I guess sometimes it's better to bring knives to a wand fight. Thought I still had a bad feeling and couldn't shake it.
There were dark times ahead and I didn't even have a light.

AND WE ARE BACK! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Also I Didn't read over it so ignore the mistakes.✌️😗

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