Childhood Writings: Spongebob Fanfiction

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I spent lots of time on the BB forums in middle school and the beginning of high school. Eventually, I took my writing talents there, too. These stories didn't really get anywhere because people weren't really paying attention to them. But that's why they're called snippets!

1: The Other Bikini Bottom

Narrator: Ah, Bikini Bottom. A peaceful underwater city in the Pacific Ocean. Complete with dumb starfish, grouchy squids, cheap crabs, I could go on forever. Did I mention happy yellow sponges?

Spongebob: I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready! Oh, hi, Patrick!

Patrick: Hi Spongebob! Guess what? I won an award!

Spongebob: That's great, Patrick. What for?

Patrick: For sitting under a rock and doing nothing longer than anyone else.

Spongebob: Congratulations...hey, didn't we do this already?

Patrick: Hey, yeah! Even I knew that!

At that moment two fish drive by.

Green Fish: I can drive faster than you can!

Pink Fish: Oh yeah?

The pink fish sped up, running over an award that Patrick left in the middle of the road.

Patrick: No! My award! (starts crying)

Spongebob: Cheer up Pat, at least you have your other award.

Patrick: Hey, what's that pretty blue thing?

They notice a blue gem in the middle of Patrick's award. It appears to be making a large ripple effect all over the water. After a few seconds it stops.

To be continued....

2: Angry Spongebob Characters

Narrator: Ah, Bikini Bottom. A peaceful underwater city in the Pacific Ocean. At least, most of the time. Today Spongebob and all of his friends decide to strike against the writers of the episodes because they are not happy about their so-called personalities.

Spongebob: I'm ready, I'm ready!

Gary: Meow?

Spongebob: Yes Gary, I know I have a day off today! Were meeting at the Krusty Krab to talk about certain episodes. Im ready, Im ready!

Spongebob left to go to the Krusty Krab. When he arrives, he joins a crowd of other fish.

Episode Writer #1: Okay, okay, lets get started! Who would like to go first?

All the fish raise their tentacles, flippers, fins, etc.

Episode Writer #2: OkayMr. Tentacles?

Squidward: Why may I ask, WHY do I have to be a grumpy old squid guy in every episode? We need more episodes like Breath of Fresh Squidward! And everyone knows I am a better clarinet player in real life!

Squidward takes out his clarinet and begins to play. All the others cover their ears.

Episode Writer #1: Okay, maybe the first part was true. We'll make you nicer. The clarinet just can't change.

Squidward: Okay, fine. Whatever.

Episode Writer #2: Okay, pink star in the green and purple shorts.

Patrick: I'm tired of being dumb! Everyone in Bikini Bottom knows I am as smart as Sandy and Gary put together.

Episode Writer #1: Don't you think that makes the episode funnier?

Patrick: No! And take away the episode Rule of Dumb too!

Episode Writer #2: Um, okay. Boy, these people demand a lot. Next!

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