Don't Leave Me

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So so sorry for the super long wait. I had a rough past month and it just took a big toll on my mental health. But I am back!!


"Louis, why didn't you call Niall?" Zayn asked after they managed to get Louis to calm down.

"I'm terrified. The last time I was pregnant my husband left me. I don't want Niall to leave me."

Zayn just rolled his eyes. "Niall will not leave you, why are you thinking like this?"

Louis just frowned as he remembered the argument he got into with Niall a few months ago when Louis thought he was pregnant.

"Are you sure you might be pregnant?" Niall frowned as Louis was fidgeting in his seat.

Louis shrugged. "I mean I put on a little weight and I've been nauseous a bit more. I could be wrong? I was going to wait to take a test."

Niall just nodded. "Okay, sounds good."

"What's wrong? You don't really seem excited."

"It's not that baby, I just—are we ready to expand our family?"

"Oh come off it Niall, we've spoken about this before! You even told me to stop buying condoms because you wanted to get me pregnant. What's gotten into you?"

"Nothing! I promise you nothing is wrong."

"Something has to be if you're being so defensive."

"Just drop it Lou."

"No, not until you're being truthful to me."

"I don't want more kids right now Lou.."

"Awh Lou, I don't think Niall would leave you because you're pregnant. That man loves you with all of his heart." And he was right, Niall basically praised the ground he walked on.

"I'm just so scared Zayn, I don't want history to repeat." It made Louis so nervous thinking that anyone would leave him again. Even though deep down he knew Niall would never do that, but he still couldn't help but think that it was still a possibility.

Zayn took a distraught Louis into his arms and held him. "If he leaves you I'll kill him." And he meant it, he had no problem hurting someone again. It wouldn't have mattered that it was Niall he was hurting, no one hurts Louis.

Liam chuckled. "I punched a guy for you before I won't hesitate to do it again."

Louis laughed and pulled away, wiping off his tears. "No, no one is hitting anyone."

"Now let us see the new niece or nephew of ours?"

"About that..." Louis blushed to a deep red when he pulled out the sonogram photo and he didn't even have to say anything before the two men gasped.

"Two? Twins?!" Zayn's eyes widened. No wonder Louis was scared, not only did he have to tell Niall he was pregnant but he also had to tell him that it was with two babies.

Babies. Two babies.

"Apparently the doctor was right and I'll be cursed with having multiple babies," he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. He had let it grow out a bit but he was aching to get it cut.

"Well at least you'll have quite a bit of help," Liam added in as he smiled at the sonogram.

"Do you want us to be there when you tell him?"

Louis nodded. "I'm just scared that he might be mad that I told you guys first."

"He may be mad, but he has to understand that you are scared of his reaction. If anything I'll yell at him." Zayn kissed Louis forehead and helped him get into the car. Zayn drove Louis' car while Liam followed them.

They were so thankful that all of the kids were in school for a little bit longer so when they got into the house Niall smiled as he greeted his husband with a kiss to his lips.

"What's wrong?" Niall asked as he noticed Zayn and Liam follow inside behind him. "Why are they here? Is everything okay?"

"Everything is okay, I just called them because I was scared of telling you something."

"Scared? Why would you be scared? You know you can tell me anything." Niall just frowned and looked at Zayn who just shook his head and he went back to Louis.

Louis shifted from one foot to the other before he let out a big breath he didn't know he was holding in. "I—Um,"

"Just spit it out," he grabbed at Louis hand and held it as he rubbed soothing circles with his thumb in his palm.

Louis couldn't speak so he just took out the photo from his pocket and just handed it over to Niall.

"What—oh shit." Louis didn't make eye contact until after Niall let go of his hand and he was surprised to see that Niall had tears forming in his eyes. "My babies? Two babies?"

Louis nodded as tears started to spill from his eyes from seeing Niall shed a tear. "Your babies." And Louis didn't expect for Niall to grab him and hoist him into his arms and spin him around. He stopped and let him down before he met his lips with a soft kiss. At this time they were both crying and their tears were mixing and they looked at each other before they laughed.

"What were you scared of?"

"That you'd leave me."

"So you called Zayn and Liam for back up?" Louis just nodded and he was about to apologize when Niall spoke over him. "I have always been by your side since we first met, if I haven't left you yet I won't ever leave you."


"I promise."


"I'm sorry," Louis spoke as he walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel.

Niall removed his glasses and set them on the bedside table. He just shook his head as he walked over to his husband. "No need to be sorry. I completely understand. I'm just happy that you told me and didn't keep it from me."

Louis looked up to his husband with glassy eyes. "I wouldn't keep it from you, I was just scared."

Niall nodded. "I know baby, I know. But we will get through this together."

Louis was taking into Niall's arms and they held each other in silence. Niall kissed the top of his head softly. "Let's get dressed and get the kids from their rooms. Maybe have a movie night in the living room?"

"Of course. We can watch the new Mulan movie?"

Niall just chuckled. "Of course."

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

The rest of the night Niall couldn't help but think about how scared Louis was to the fact that he was scared to tell him. He wanted Louis to know that there will never be a time where Niall would never stop loving him, no matter what.

Niall looked over at Louis' sleeping form as the kids were all curled around him, he couldn't help but frown as he saw Louis' hands placed over his stomach. Granted he didn't think they would ever be ready for more kids, but he wasn't going to leave Louis because he was pregnant.

The three kids treated him enough like they were his own, he just didn't think he'd had a little one running around that would be part of him and his husband.

"Niall, why did Harry leave me?" Louis asked, looking at Niall with glassy eyes. It was one of the many nights that ended up with Louis crying.

Niall sighed as he pulled Louis into his arms. Louis smushed his face into Niall's chest. "I don't know Lou. Harry is an idiot."

Louis looked up at Niall, his eyes red rimmed from the crying he just endured. "Will you leave me?"

Niall shook his head. "Why would I leave you?"

"Everyone ends up leaving eventually."

"Don't worry Lou, I won't ever leave you." Niall kissed his forehead softly. The boys soon broke out in laughter when they felt one of the triplets kick Niall in his stomach. "Looks like the little ones agree with me."

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