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I am so very sorry for the wait...this chapter is more of a filler but it's also shit...but be prepared for what I have in store! Maybe writing the twist will encourage me to write...I've been in such a funk.

But, my family got some really good news regarding my brother finally getting a liver donor!!


"Come on girl, let's go for a walk," Louis smiled as Roxy jumped up onto the couch next to him and attacked his face with kisses. Then she noticed his shirt had rode up and she nosed at his small bump. "Yes another baby for you to love." She kissed his cheek again before she jumped off only to come back with her leash.

"Okay, okay. Let's go." Louis grabbed her leash and clipped it on and he let her lead the way. She didn't pull him at all, but she was still walking in front of him as she sniffed her way to where she wanted to go. They ended up at the park down the street and Louis sat down with Roxy sat by his feet.

Roxy looked back around and stared at her owner. "What's up girl? Wanna go for a run?" She jumped up on him and wagged her tail excitedly. He let her off the leash and he grabbed a large stick and started throwing it. He did this a few more times before Roxy stopped by his feet as her tongue was hanging out panting away.

"Let's get you some water on our way home." He ruffled her ears as she walked right next to him. The leash wasn't clipped back on but she didn't dare run away.

He got her some water and a snack, along with something for himself. Then they headed home to relax for the rest of the day.


"Lou?" Niall called out as he walked into the house. It was a long day and all Niall wanted to do was relax a bit with his family.

Louis beamed and looked up when he heard Niall enter the bathroom. He had sat down in the hot water just as Niall walked in. "Hi baby, how was your day?" He asked after Niall kissed him softly.

Niall shrugged and sat on the edge of the tub, he eyeing the little bump that Louis was already showing. "It was uneventful, kind of boring."

"Well now you're home the rest of your day won't be boring."

Niall chuckled. "Give me a minute and I'll join you."

"I'll be waiting!" Louis called out as he watched Niall walk into their bedroom. Louis hummed softly as he leaned back and let the warm water relax his tense muscles. As he slipped into his happy place he felt himself being lifted and placed onto a lap. "I love you."

"I love you too," Niall smiled as he kissed the side of his neck.

Louis started to hum a soft beat and utter some words. "You're the habit I can't break.."

Niall smiled as he let Louis sing softly.

"You're the feeling I can't put down," Louis sang softly into Niall's chest as he trailed a finger up and down his arm sending shivers down Niall's spine.

"What's this song?" Niall asked curiously, not meaning to break him out of singing.

Louis shrugged. "Just something I've been writing and I still can't get the last verse right." Louis was half right, the other half was the fact that the song is about his love for Niall.

"I'm sure you'll figure it out, you always do."

"I know but feel like you could finish it."

"Okay I get it, let's hear the rest of it." Niall listened carefully to the song and waited for the point that Louis needed help.

"And I'm sorry I let you down...I don't know where to go from there."

Niall nodded as he tried to figure out the next sentence. "What about I guess that I know what I already knew?"

"Yes! Then I can go with 'I was better with you and I miss you now."

"That sounds beautiful baby."

Louis sang where he left off and had the biggest smile etched onto his face knowing that he finished his next song.

"So when do you want to record the full album?"

"Well seeing as I only really wrote a few songs, I want to have a bit more under my belt before I bring it to a label. I want to have options."

"You know you can release it independently?"

"I know but Zee told me one of his kids' friends' father owns a record label. Told me he's always looking for new artists. Zee showed him the video of our wedding and he's even interested in you."

"Wait what? You can't be serious."

"I'm being serious. Maybe it would be good for us."

"That could be really cool."

"We can definitely talk about when it's something that is happening."

"Okay, just remember I'll support you no matter what."

"Thanks you baby."

Louis turned around in Niall's lap and leaned in to give him a kiss, a kiss that soon turned into a heated one. Thankfully Louis had a little fun earlier, he was still stretched out as he sat down and let Niall's cock enter him.

"Gotta do this quick, the kids will be dropped off in like 15 minutes." Niall spoke into Louis' neck as he was thrusting up inside of his husband.

Louis didn't even respond as he swiveled his hips teasingly before he started to ride Niall's cock as if he was already chasing his orgasm.

"Feels like you had some fun earlier?"

"This fucking baby is making me so god damn horny. I had to get off three times before my cock actually went soft."

Niall let out a moan as he pictured his husband with his fingers inside of himself. "You should have pictured me fucking into you. Just like this, having my way with you." Niall carefully with Louis still in his lap, carried him to the sink and set him down on the counter.

Louis just whined as he couldn't even respond as Niall was already assaulting his prostate. He reached down in between their bodies and started to stroke himself.

"Feels so fucking good, always sto fucking tight."

Louis' head fell back against the mirror and groaned, his cum spurting out of his cock. "Fuck, Niall!" His body shook from the orgasm as Niall came deep inside of him.

Niall grabbed a hold of Louis face and kissed him hard. "Fuck, I love you."

"I love-ow-you too," Louis whined when Niall pulled of him and as he was set down he got a cramp in his leg. Louis felt Niall's cum leaking out of his hole, "Now I have to get cleaned again." Niall grabbed a wet cloth and just cleaned him off the best he could as he heard the front door open and a bunch of feet running to their respective rooms.

"Finished just in time."

"And you underestimate my capabilities." Louis smacked him playfully.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2021 ⏰

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