Always You

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Hello!!!! I hope you guys are ready for a wild ride! I'm not sure how many chapters this will be...I'm hoping at least 10 for now.

Hope you guys enjoy! Without further ado, here you go!

This is a sequel, you must read the first book to understand what is going on! Look for "Barren" on my profile!

4 Years Later

Louis and Niall looked into each other's eyes as they were listening to the priest as he was uttering the words that they dreamed about ever since the night Niall proposed.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Three pairs of footsteps were heard as they ran up the alter to get the attention of the two men in front of everyone.

"Abby, Nate, and E get back here!" Another voice was heard and once Louis broke out of the trance he noticed Harry running after the three 5 year olds.

"No Dad! I want Daddy!" Abby spoke, she ran over to Niall who just smiled and picked her up into his arms. She hid her face into his neck and smiled.

"It's okay Harry, why don't you grab the two boys and Niall will keep Abby, you know how she gets." Louis smiled at his ex-husband as he grabbed the boys and got them to sit still in the front row with their grandmothers.

Once the church was quiet, the priest was able to continue on with what he was saying.

"Niall James Horan, do you take Louis William Tomlinson to be your husband?"

"Of course I do." Niall smiled and he managed to slip the ring onto Louis' finger as he held onto Abby.

The priest then turned to Louis and repeated what he said, but asked if he would take Niall as his husband.

"I do." He slipped on the ring onto Niall's awaiting finger and his eyes were already glassy as the tears were about to spill over.

"I now pronounce you husband and husband, you may now kiss."

Nial stepped forward and kissed Louis as soft as he could. He smiled against his lips and mumbled, "I love you."

"And I love you," Louis smiled big, his face was wet with tears. After all of these years he was finally where he wanted to be and he was happy.

"Mommy you're crying, why are you crying?"

"I'm crying because I'm happy, I'm not sad. I promise you." Abby made grabby hands for Louis who held her tight.

"Okay, I love you." Louis smiled against her forehead and said I love you back.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. and Mr. Tomlinson-Horan." They couldn't decide on which last name to take, so they decided to make it easier and hyphenate it. The kids had the Styles last name so it wasn't going to be an issue with changing birth certificates.

Niall grabbed Louis' hand and kissed his knuckles as they walked hand in hand down the aisle and out of the church.


If Louis had it his way they would have been married already. They did in fact almost elope when they ran off to Vegas with Zayn and Liam a year after their engagement. But, Louis couldn't do that to his mother, so they waited.

He didn't expect having to wait so long, but it just happened as life got ahead of them. As well as they had a venue picked out and they would have been married a year ago but then Nate got sick and they had to stop everything and cancel it.

Nate was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, it wasn't originally what they thought, as they thought the worse before tests were run. But, Louis didn't want to wait until something happened.

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