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I'm so sorry this has taken so long—this chapter is short but I'm hoping I can give you something bigger in the next chapter.

Anyways, enjoy!

If it wasn't for Louis telling Niall that they needed to enjoy their honeymoon outside of the bedroom he would still be balls deep inside of the man.

Louis wasn't mad about the constant sex, but his ass was so sore, he thought that even as they were closely approaching thirty they still were very sexually active in their relationship. And besides, Niall wasn't showing he was slowing down anytime soon.

Louis was for sure with the amount of unprotected sex he was bound to get pregnant by the time they return home in two weeks. He was getting a bit excited thinking about it.

"Come on baby, we've got the whole day ahead of us!" Louis jumped onto his husbands back trying to get him to get out of the bed.

"Do we have to?" Niall mumbled into the pillow. He lifted his head up, letting out a yawn as he managed to get his eyes to focus on his beautiful and awake husband. He was so tired, it didn't help that they were up half the night fucking each other until the early hours of the morning.

Louis rolled his eyes, "We didn't travel all this way to be cooped up inside all day."

"But I just want to fuck you. My beautiful husband that I get to have for the rest of my life." Niall managed to roll them over and pin Louis underneath him. They were both still naked as that's how they fell asleep, but it also saved them time so they wouldn't have to take any clothes off.

"We can do that when we come back, I want to explore. Please?" He batted his eyes up at Niall, trying to make him listen to him.

"Shower sex?" Niall quirked an eyebrow hoping Louis would agree. And one thing that was for sure was Louis never turns down shower sex. Out of all the places they have had sex, doing it in the shower was by far his favorite.

And that's how their morning went, Niall fucking Louis against the shower wall, letting the man cry out loud from the assault he was getting to his prostate.

Niall kissed him with desperation as he was reaching his high, he snuck a hand in between them to help Louis get off faster. Within seconds they were both moaning out each other's names as they made a mess of themselves.

They stared at each other before Niall finally pulled out and set Louis to his feet. Niall helped Louis wash up, as did Louis with Niall even though he tried to tell him no, but once Louis gave him a pout he gave in.


Louis smiled bright as he won the battle of actually getting out of the hotel for the day. That was the difference between the two men, Louis loved adventure and being outdoors, while Niall was a homebody and thrived when he was in the comfort of his home.

Niall couldn't help but smile wide when Louis just started pulling him to all the places he wanted to go to. And of course asking all the random people to take cute photos of them. Niall really was in love with Louis and he just didn't know what to do with himself half the time.

The first stop of the day was to visit the Colosseum, the stood for a bit while they somehow ended up in a tour of the whole structure listening to things that they never even knew. Louis was in awe when he finally walked inside and his eyes went up.

"Woah, this is even better than photos," he exclaimed when he tugged on Niall's arm and made him follow him. They managed to stay around the area for a bit before they ventured over to Pompeii, another place that Louis always wanted to go see.

Like before he was in awe with what he was seeing, it was amazing how well preserved everything was. He remembered studying Pompeii in college and it was something very interesting to him. Some of the photos he remembered seeing in the history books were staring back at him making it so surreal.

"This actually is pretty cool, but also a bit creepy," Niall couldn't help but speak up as they were looking at everything as it stayed from after the volcano erupted destroying everything and everyone.

Louis couldn't argue with that, as they continued their venture throughout the streets to just take it all in. They don't know how they managed to do all that they did, but they still had other things to do that they decided to save until tomorrow as they were tired.

But, Niall requested they end in the canals in Venice after a nice candlelight dinner at a small restaurant not far from where they would need to go. It also was perfect as they were staying just outside of Venice so they wouldn't have to worry about getting back too late.

They waited until the sun started to set before they made their way over to the Grand Canal so they could get a nice view of all Venice had to offer. It was so beautiful but of course the men barely even saw any of it as Niall thought the way the light shone against Louis was so breathtaking that he couldn't keep his eyes off of him.

"You know the view is out there," Louis smiled when he finally met his husband's stare.

"You're a better view," Niall spoke happily and if it wasn't getting dark he would have seen the deep blush that dusted Louis' cheeks and went to the tip of his ears. Niall leaned over and kissed him soft, "I love you."

"I love you too, so much." Louis smiled wide and he was going to say something before the man moving the gondola spoke up.

"Newlyweds?" The man spoke in a thick Italian accent.

They both nodded. "After 4 years we finally said I do."

"Congratulazioni," he spoke excitedly, thankfully Louis knew some Italian and started a conversation with the man. He found out that his name was Luca and he was around the same age as them and his wife was pregnant with their third child and he was over the moon because it was their first little girl.

"Buona fortuna!" Louis called out as they got out of the boat saying their goodbyes.

"Grazie, Louis, buona fortuna anche a te!" Luca waved to the two men as they started their walk back to their hotel room.

Once they made it back they were too tired to do anything, Niall drew them a bath and Louis basically fell asleep in his arms in the tub.

"Come on baby, let's get dried off and get to bed. Didn't you say you wanted to get up early to the Amalfi Coast?"

Louis nodded and kissed Niall's chest but he didn't move from where he was laying. Niall sighed and managed to get the smaller man out of the tub in his arms. He set him down on the counter and helped him dry off, giving him his toothbrush and helped brush his hair.

"What did I do to deserve you?" Louis looked up at Niall, his eyes were a little glassy as a stray tear trickled down his face and Niall was quick to wipe it away. He really didn't know why he wasted all the years on a relationship that was doomed from the start when there was someone there right in front of him the whole time.

"Because someone said that being a damsel in distress all the time was tiring." Niall kissed his forehead softly and pulled him into his arms.

The love between the two men was still strong, nothing would ever try to get between them again.

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