We'll be Alright

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Hope you guys like this!!! Sorry it's a bit short, they will be getting a bit longer as I get into the storyline more.

But don't get too attached to the happiness—I've got something up my sleeve in the next couple of chapters...


"Hey baby, how are you feeling?" He had gone to sleep quite early last night as he spent most of his day throwing up.

Louis smiled up at his husband when he felt a hand rub circles in his stomach. "I'm okay, feeling a little nauseous. I hate this part of a pregnancy."

"I wish I could help you."

Lou's shook his head. "Just be there for me is all I ask."

Niall kissed his forehead. "You got it." Niall pulled Louis closer to him. "I've been thinking, maybe I should start working from home again so that I'll be available more."

"That's up to you, I don't mind it either way." Louis moved to place his head over Niall's bare chest and listened to the soft hum of his heartbeat. Louis chuckled when he could feel it start to speed up a bit and he heard it skip a beat. "You good?"

Niall sighed. "My heart always skips a beat when I'm with you."

Louis smacked him playfully. "Stop being so sappy."

"I'll always be sappy when it comes to you."


Louis looked down as his pudgy stomach, he already starting to show, while waiting for the last parent to pick up their kid when he felt a tug on his pants.

"Mr. Tomlinson?"

Louis smiled and looked over at the little boy. He was short for his age, his skin a honey brown and his dark hair sat atop of his head in tight curls. "Hi Jacob, what's up?"

Jacob smiled up at him, those deep hazel eyes staring back at Louis. "You're very pretty."

Louis fished mouth a few times, blushing at the fact that a 4 year old called him pretty. "Thank you buddy, you're a handsome little guy."

Jacob hid his face in his hands. "Thank you."

"Now how about we do a little coloring? Your mom said your dad will be late picking you up today."

Jacob nodded. "Yes please. Will you color with me?"

"Of course, go get some crayons and I'll grab the paper." Louis watched his little legs scurry around the room finding all the necessary supplies. "Now what did you want to draw?"

"Maybe my family?"

"Of course go ahead."

For the next twenty minutes they sat in silence as they each colored a picture. When Jacob was done he heard his father call for him.

"Daddy!" Jacob ran over to his father and Louis now realized where he got his particular skin tone from as everything else. The boy was definitely a spitting image of him and looked nothing like his mother who had a darker complexion in comparison to her family. But nonetheless they were a beautiful family.

"Thanks so much, I'm so sorry for being late. I had a meeting that ran late and then I got a phone call from a client that couldn't wait."

Louis shook his head. "It's no big deal, we did a little bit of coloring." He handed the taller man over the drawing and he saw his eyes go wide.

"This is beautiful buddy."

"Mr. Tomlinson helped me!" Jacob said excitedly.

"Thanks again."

"Of course. I'll see you Monday Jacob. Have a good weekend."

Jacob waved excitedly as they walked out of the classroom.

Interacting with these kids everyday makes him miss having a little one running around. He took a deep breath and then tidied up the room before he decided it was time to go. As he was leaving he got a sudden craving for Taco Bell (he never really cared for it, but the babies wanted it).

So on his way home he stopped at Taco Bell and picked up a family taco box for Niall and the kids, while he ordered himself some chicken chipotle melts, nacho fries and a Crunchwrap supreme. The more he looked at the menu the more hungry he was getting and he just kept adding food to his order.

He waited a bit for his food and he was quick to get home.

"Mommy and dinner is home!!" Louis called out as he opened up the front door. He kicked off his shoes and made his way into the kitchen as he started to put food out for everyone.

"Taco Bell??" Niall asked, raising an eyebrow. The kids all sat around as they ate quietly.

"The babies wanted it," Louis spoke with his mouth full on one of the chipotle melts. Niall kissed the side of his head before he grabbed a taco.

Niall watched as Louis smothered his food in the fire sauce. Niall chuckled, "Spicy food again?"

"I guess so. The doctor gave me heartburn medicine so hopefully this won't end up with me in the bathroom."

"I'm sure you would have ended up in the bathroom already, usually with you it's instant."

Louis couldn't argue with that. He finally sat down as he continued to stuff his face with food. Niall couldn't help but laugh at his husband.

"S'not funny."

"I think it is."

Louis pouted up at Niall who just kissed his pout away.

"Mommy, what's going on?" Abby asked quickly after she finished eating her food.

Niall just looked at Louis and motioned for him to say what was going on.

"How would you three feel like getting two younger siblings?"

"Two?" Nate asked, pushing his glasses up his nose looking up at his mom.

Louis nodded. "Yes buddy. Soon mommy's belly will start to grow as the babies start to grow."

"I don't want more siblings," Elliot pouted. "Isn't the three of us enough?"

Louis chuckled. "Well we didn't plan on having the three of you and I didn't plan on the two in my belly but I guess we just gotta roll with it."

Elliot nodded, giving his mom and step-dad a big smile. "I'll be the best big brother!" He went over and hugged his mom tight.

And in that moment Louis knew they'd be alright.

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