🖤chapter 1~my best friend~🖤

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I woke up to the sun shining through my window when suddenly a loud beeping alarm sound went off....

*bleep bleep*

*Ughhhh I have to get up again*I said checking the time

*HOLY SHIT 7:30 I'm going to be late for my first day of college*I said running to the bathroom



Mom-"you are going to be late"

*I'm coming mom*I yelled trying to brush my teeth

I took a quick shower and grabbed a mismatched colored shirt, navy blue pants with a black bag to go with it, I got dressed as quickly as can and ran to the kitchen

I grabbed a granola bar and a milkshake my mom made this morning and with no hesitation I ran to my car and drove about 7 miles to get to the college while snacking on my granola bar and milkshake, I was so stressed thinking about what could possi...

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I grabbed a granola bar and a milkshake my mom made this morning and with no hesitation I ran to my car and drove about 7 miles to get to the college while snacking on my granola bar and milkshake, I was so stressed thinking about what could possibly go wrong since it's my first day but I gathered the courage to think positive...

When I arrived, I parked my car in the place provided and walked in when I was greeted by a very tall woman

*good morning, I'm assuming that you are y/n*she said with a welcoming smile

Y/n-"yes I'm y/n"

*great we were expecting your arrival*she said while walking me to my respective class

*good morning class this is our new student y/n, y/n this is your teacher Mrs . Bella and would you like to share some information with the class so they can know a little about you*she stated

I got so nervous because I did not plan a introduction
~You know what just say anything~
I thought to myself

Y/n-"HI everyone my name is y/n, I like alot of music,I'm very extrovert when it comes to outdoor activities and I like to eat alot some of my favorite foods are pizza,salad,etc"

~why did I include my favorite foods, now I sound like a dumb ass~I said in my mind

*would you like to take a seat in the 3rd row over there*mrs.Bella asked politely

Y/n-"sure" I replied with a friendly smile

I walked up to my seat and sat down next to a girl with beautiful hair

*hi I'm Jennie*said the girl next to me

Y/n-"hi Jennie"

Jennie-"so is this your first time at a college"


Jennie-"me too I recently came 3 weeks ago"

Y/n-"well nice to meet you Jennie"

(Skip forward to the end of class)

I was walking to my car when a familiar voice yelled out for me

*Y/n*said the mysterious voice called out

I turned around to see Jennie walking up to me

Y/n-"Jennie you scared the crap out of me" I yelled


Y/n-" it's okay, I thought you were someone else trying to kidnap me" I said making her laugh

Y/n-" okay so why are you here" I asked out of curiosity

Jennie-"I came here to ask for your number and I wanted to know if we can be friends because since you recently started college you might be lonely"

Y/n-"of course you can have my number" I said in a excited voice

We exchanged numbers and I headed to my car
Jennie-" bye I'll call you later"

Y/n-" bye"

I drove home and took a quick shower got dressed in my pajamas
I plopped on my bed face down and reached for my phone *6:58 already* I said yelling, when suddenly my phone rang

Y/n-"hello" I said in a welcoming voice

Jennie-" hey"

Y/n-" hey"

Jennie-" so I wanted to inform you about our school trip to Seoul " she squealed

Y/n-"we have a school trip "

Jennie-" yeah, I also heard we are going on a cruise"

Y/n-" I just came to the college and I'm already going on a school trip"

Jennie-" you are probably just lucky"

Y/n-" well my mom always told me I'm a lucky girl"

We both laughed and chatted for a while, I got to know her a lot better and it was fun to have a friend in such a long time....

*Jennie come for dinner*a unknown voice yelled in the distance

Jennie-" sorry got to go, my mom is calling me for dinner, talk to you later"

*bye*I replied disconnecting the call

I went back to the kitchen and saw my mom made pasta for dinner

Y/n-" looks delicious"

She took some out in a bowl and gave me to try *wow* I said licking my fingers

We both sat at the dining table eating our dinner.
It has always been me and my mom since my dad left us when I was 1 years old he never tried to contacted us ever since , my mom tried her best to raise me to be a kind and helping person and I'm very grateful for her...

It got really quiet so I decided to tell her about the school trip, surprisingly she said yes

Y/n-" thanks mom" I said standing to give her a hug

She never allows me to go on trips, so I was very shocked ..
but anyway after dinner I went back to my room and sat on the bed playing games on my phone but eventually I fell asleep

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