🖤~chapter 16 woods~🖤

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I knew that name was familiar, he is my dad and he is in the mafia, why did my mom not tell me this

Lee Tomas-" y/n why are you here "

Y/n-" why do you care, you left my mom when I was 1 year old "

Lee Tomas-" I had to do that because "

Y/n-" because of what "

Lee Tomas-" because I never wanted a child, when your mom told me she was pregnant I didn't know what to do, she forced me to stay but I left her "

Y/n-" why "


Hyunjin-" don't talk to her like that " he said standing between us

Lee Tomas-" I'm her father I can talk to her however I want " he said pushing him away

Y/n-" I was never your daughter, you did't even want a child "

Lee Tomas-" shut up "

He left the room when several men ran into the house with guns, the other members and hyunjin surrounded me and Jennie

Hyunjin-" y/n go with chang bin and Jennie go with Lee know, guys you know what to do " he whispered

I turned to face chang bin before he grabbed my wrist tightly

Chang bin-" when I say run, you run "

His eyes searched the room full of guys for a close exit

Chang bin-" run "

He pulled me as I ran at full speed through the guys hoping not to get shot

I manged to get a glimpse of hyunjin and the others pulling out guns attacking the guys while Lee know and Jennie ran in the opposite direction

Chang bin pulled me to the back of the house where Lee know and Jennie came out on the other side of the house

Chang bin-" which one of you guys can drive "

Y/n-" I can "

Chang bin-" go to this location, we will meet you guys there " he said giving me his phone with a GPS on it

Y/n-" is hyunjin and the others coming too "

Chang bin-" yeah, now go " he said pushing me and Jennie in to the car on each side

I turned on the car and drove through the back exit while Chang bin and Lee know ran back inside of the house

I drove for about 2 hours but we still had 3 more hours before we arrive at our destination

I stopped for gas at a random gas station while Jennie came out of the car to get some fresh air

I bought some water bottles and snacks for us to eat while Jennie helped to fill the car with gas

We got back into the car and continued our drive to our destination

( three hours later )

We were one minute away from arriving while Jennie was sleeping peacefully next to me

I pulled up to a house in the woods, I woke up Jennie before coming out of the car

We walked into the house to see a well decorated interior, not bad for a house in the middle of the woods , we walked around the house trying to figure out where everything was when a car pulled up outside

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