🖤~chapter 17 meeting my mom~🖤

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I woke up to rain drops pouring on the window as the light emitting from the dim lamp beside the bed

Our legs intertwined, while he's holding me firmly in his arms as always

I slowly drift into slumber when I turned to get a glimpse of hyunjin when I saw him mesmerized by me again

Y/n-" what time is it " I asked

Hyunjin-" 11:45 "

Y/n-" why aren't you sleeping yet "

Hyunjin-" I'm worried "

Y/n-" why " I said reaching for his hair running my fingers through it

Hyunjin-" because we have to keep hidden from Tomas until this matter is settled which means you and Jennie can't leave here neither go to college yet "

Y/n-" my mom would be worried about where I am "

Hyunjin-" but you have to stay safe princess which means you can't tell your mom "

Y/n-" I don't want her stressing over me, I can tell her that I'm staying at a friend's house but she doesn't allow me to stay at someone's house for more than 2 days, I can also tell her about you but you won't allow me to say anything for no reason "

Hyunjin-" i don't want you to tell her because I'm scared she wouldn't allow me to see you again if she finds out I'm involved with the mafia "

Y/n-" my mom wouldn't mind if you are involved with the mafia "

Hyunjin-" how do you know that "

Y/n-" because she fell in love with Tomas who is also in the mafia so she probably wouldn't mind you being a mafia "

Hyunjin-" well I don't want you to tell her "

Y/n-" then I will go home "

Hyunjin-" you have to stay here, it's the only safe place "

Y/n-" fine then, don't talk to me "

I got up from the bed taking the blanket with me

Hyunjin-" where are you going "

I just ignored him making my way towards the door, I could here him walking behind me but I continued walking

Hyunjin-" I'm asking again where are you going "

I continued ignoring him when he held my wrist with a strong grip pulling me around to face him

To be honest that gave me butterflies but I manged to push him away to turn again as I walked towards the door slamming it in before making my way to couch

I was about to lay down when he came unknowingly from behind me picking me up bridal style

Y/n-" put me down "

Hyunjin-" no "

He carried me back into the bedroom placing me on the bed before locking the door

Hyunjin-" you are not sleeping out there "

Y/n-" I can do want I want to do "

Hyunjin-" why are you acting like that "

Y/n-" because you don't want me to tell her about this but if I don't she would be worried about where I am and you are making me stress over the situation "

Hyunjin-" then just don't tell her "

Y/n-" if I don't tell her she would become suspicious which could make her more worried "

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