🖤chapter 2 ~him~🖤

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(Skip forward to the school trip)

As usual I wake up to the sound of the alarm going off again, I sat on the bed when I realized ~I'm going to Seoul~
I started screaming in joy when my mom walks in

* hi sweetheart* she said in a very loving tone

Y/n-"hi mom"

Mom-" are you ready to go to Seoul"

*yeah but wait, I haven't showered yet*I said jumping out of bed running to the bathroom....
I brushed my teeth, took a shower, grabbed a white crop top with pink pants and white shoes then got dressed

I ran to the kitchen and saw my mom making pancakes and eggs I ate my food when then my phone rang, it was Jennie she is in the bus outside with the rest of class I hugged my mom and carried my luggage outside where I saw a big bus filled with the...

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I ran to the kitchen and saw my mom making pancakes and eggs
I ate my food when then my phone rang, it was Jennie she is in the bus outside with the rest of class
I hugged my mom and carried my luggage outside where I saw a big bus filled with the students in my class
I sat next to Jennie and we chatted for awhile, laughed, made jokes, it was a smooth and fun ride we weren't far from Seoul so it was not that long of a ride

(Skip forward to when they arrived at Seoul)

When we finally arrived we were told by our teacher to go to our respective rooms, we each had different rooms and Jennie's room is right next to mine so I can visit every time I want, we were also told that we would have dinner on a cruise right behind the building which made me excited I have planed the perfect outfit to wear...
After awhile we all were told to go our rooms to get dressed for dinner

I wore a red dress and a pearl bag to go along with it

I went to Jennie's room after, she was wearing a blue long dress with a slit on the side, it looked gorgeous

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I went to Jennie's room after, she was wearing a blue long dress with a slit on the side, it looked gorgeous

Jennie-" love the outfit"

Y/n-" thanks, yours is beautiful"

Jennie-" thanks, let's go before we get late" she said while pulling me with her to get on the cruise

When we went in, there was a lot of people that aren't from our school but they came to eat dinner there also so we just brushed it off

Dinner hasn't started yet so I sat with Jennie at a table while the others were out exploring around the cruise, we chatted and after awhile I saw that Jennie's face was pale and she was looking at someone, I turned to see where she was looking and I saw a tall muscular figure with long blonde hair but I couldn't see his face because he turned the other way,
I looked over at Jennie again
Y/n-" hey are you okay"

Jennie-" w-what y-yeah I'm fine" she said in a worried tone

Y/n-" are you sure you are ok" I asked once more

Jennie-" yeah but do you see that guy over there don't talk to him, don't even go near him or even look him in the eyes" she says terrified

Y/n-" why"

Jennie-" he is hwang hyunjin the leader of a mafia group "stray kids", I don't know why he's here but we shouldn't go there "

Y/n-" and what if I do"

Jennie-" he will kill you "

Y/n-" he can't kill me "

Jennie-" I just don't want to see my friend getting hurt"

Jennie-" and also I'm going to the bathroom don't move from your seat" she said getting up walking to the bathroom

When she left I checked to see if I could see him again because I never saw his face but he wasn't there so I just mind my own business when I suddenly became thirsty, I turned and saw that there was a little area at the back with water bottles so I got up to get one before Jennie gets back
I went to the back and there was a handsome man standing right next to me

*hi*the mysterious man said

Y/n-" hi"

?????-" what's your name"

Y/n-" y/n, what's your name"

* hwang hyunjin*he replied

~he is the mafia boss Jennie was talking about ~ i though to myself

When suddenly someone grabbed my arm, it was Jennie she pulled me back to our seats
Jennie-" what were you doing"

Y/n-" I swear I did not know It was him until he told me his name"

Jennie-" okay well don't go back there"

( after dinner )

Jennie and me were waking back to our rooms when she forgot her purse in the cruise so she went to get it when I slipped on something, I felt someone held my waist stopping me from falling, I look up and it's no other than hawng hyunjin..."why did it had to be him"
I looked away when I felt his hand pulling my chin to face him with his hand still rapped around my waist

Hyunjin-" you are beautiful"

Not going to lie I did blushed but still did not want to interfere with him so I pushed him off me when Jennie came and pulled me back, he walked away like nothing ever happened

Jennie and I got back to our respective rooms, I got dressed in my pajamas and came out to see him sitting unexpectedly on my bed

"Hyunjin what are you doing here"

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