🖤~ chapter 22 pervert ~🖤

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We were scared but yet confused why we had to evacuate so I walked over and opened the door to see the members shoving their clothes into their bags in the living room

Y/n-" what's going on "

Hyunjin-" Tomas escaped and he knows our location, we had information that they are planning to attack again so we need to evacuate so go pack "

I hurried pack my belongings into several bags, I also went to help Jennie, everyone went to the van and some went to the cars as we drove to another safe house

It was a long drive so I fell asleep quickly

( hyunjin pov )

Y/n fell asleep on Jennie's shoulder, Jennie was also asleep so I reached over placing y/n's head on my shoulder, she looks really cute when she sleeps, her cheeks were pouted it looked adorable

I know she still hates me but I can't stay away from her, I can't even live without her, I don't know what I was thinking when I brought the other girl here I didn't like her, she was too into my money

I eventually fell asleep when I was woken up by felix

Felix-" we arrived, let's go "

I turned to see y/n still sleeping but Jennie was nowhere to be found

I lifted her up bridal style carrying her into the bedroom, I placed her on the bed before going outside to get some fresh air

( y/n pov )

I woke up to a cold breeze brushing against my face, I opened my eyes to see a big room, I was confused about how I got here so I got up to explore

I opened the door to reveal a big living room, no one was around so I walked around a bit I eventually came across a balcony where hyunjin was standing looking at the stars

Y/n-" do you mind if I join you " I said since I was bored

He turned his head to face me when a warm smile escaped his lips

Hyunjin-" sure "

I walked out into the cold breeze standing next to him looking at the stars, they looked like tiny glitters in the sky, it was beautiful

Y/n-" is this the new safe house "

Hyunjin-" yeah "

Y/n-" it's big "

Hyunjin-" I know, I'm surprised felix found it in such short amount of time "

Y/n-" well why are you out here "

Hyunjin-" remember that time when you ran to the back of the cruise looking at the stars "

Y/n-" yeah "

Hyunjin-" you said it helps you to think properly so I started looking at the stars when things get rough "

Y/n-" what kinds of things are rough for you, it's better to tell someone than keep it to yourself, I mean, if you feel comfortable telling me"

Hyunjin-" I don't mind telling you princess "

Y/n-" then what's wrong, are you stressed about how Tomas escaped and we have to catch him again "

Hyunjin-" no, it's something else "

Y/n-" what is it then "

Hyunjin-" it's you "

Y/n-" why are you stressed about me " I said confused

Hyunjin-" I keep thinking about how I was a dumbass for bringing a random girl there and now you hate me "

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