🖤~ Chapter 19 the masquerade ball ~🖤

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It was pretty hard to get the dress on but with the help of Jennie I was able to put it on, I also helped her with her dress before applying some mascara, blush, eyeliner and lipstick on my face, I don't really wear alot of make up since it makes me look weird

I was putting on my heels while Jennie was curling her hair with the curing iron, she was struggling a bit so I walked over

Y/n-" do you need help "

Jennie-" It's fine I got it "

Y/n-" are you sure "

Jennie-" yeah, you can go outside I'll be there in a second " she said smiling

I walked towards the door before gently opening it, I was walking to the living room to get my purse that I threw on the couch

When I saw hyunjin putting on his watch, he was wearing a redish kinda suit, it looked really cute on him

When I saw hyunjin putting on his watch, he was wearing a redish kinda suit, it looked really cute on him

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He looked at me up and down when a smirk appeared on his face

Hyunjin-" hey princess " he said with a deeper voice that usual "

Y/n-" h-hey "

Hyunjin-" you look gorgeous " he said walking towards me

Y/n-" thanks, you look handsome "

His tie was uneven so I reached my hand forward to fix it when I felt his hands raping  around my waist, I shivered as he pulled me closer looking at me with his deep brown eye, it was like I was hypnotized, I couldn't move

Hyunjin-" where you trying to touch my chest "

Y/n-" n-no " I mumbled

Hyunjin-" are you sure " he smirked

Y/n-" your tie is uneven you pervet, I was going to fix it "

He chuckled as I reached for his tie fixing it properly      

Hyunjin-" thanks princess "    

He pulled me closer placing a passionate kiss on my lips when we heard a scream

We turned to see Jennie and bang chan covering their eyes walking away quietly making us burst out laughing

Hyunjin-" let's go princess "

He held onto my hands pulling me gently as we walked to the others waiting by the car

Hyunjin-" Felix, bang chan, chanbin will take the car and the rest of you go in that van "

We all sat down as i.n drove us to the masquerade ball

After awhile Hyunjin had a call from bang chan saying that they arrived, eventually we arrives at the ball also

Hyunjin-" everyone put on your mask "

Y/n-" I don't have one "

Hyunjin-" here's yours " he said handing me a white mask

Hyunjin-" everyone put these on, it will help us communicate better "

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Hyunjin-" everyone put these on, it will help us communicate better "

He handed us each a ear piece and helped us test to see if they were working

Lee know and Jennie went through the front door while sungmin went to the room, i.n parked the car and me and hyunjin entered through the back door

Hyunjin-" hold on to me tightly, I don't want you to dissappear from me "

I held onto his arm tightly before walking in, there was alot of people, we tried to be settled as possible so we don't get noticed by anyone

( Jennie pov )

"Can you here me " Hyunjin spoke from the ear piece

Jennie-" yeah " 

Hyunjin-" He is sitting in the back, he's wearing blue "

Jennie-" I see him "

Hyunjin-" good luck, lee know is behind you incase something happens "

Jennie-" okay "

I walked towards him confidentiality, flipping my hair a little, I noticed him looking at me so I didn't break eye contact since it would not make me look scared

Tomas-" hey you "

Jennie-" me "

Tomas-" yeah "

I walked over sitting beside him trying to make small talks, after awhile

Tomas-" your a beautiful young lady, want to come visit me in my mansion "

Jennie-" I might "

I wanted him to get a bit drunk so I ordered shots of vodka

Jennie-" if you drink all this, I'll take you to my hotel room, room 844 "

Tomas-" well then I have no choice but to drink all this "

He took all the shots one after the other but he was still not tipsy so I ordered more

( y/n pov )

" what " hyunjin whispered beside me

Y/n-" what happened "

Hyunjin-" bang chan needs help, can you stay here, I'll be back "

He quickly went to where bang chan was as I sat on a chair not too far from where I was standing

Everything was normal when after about 11 minutes a deep voice came from beside me

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