🖤~chapter 8 shopping ~🖤

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It was one week since we came home from the school trip, I was already at school when suddenly the bell ran
Mrs. Bella-" everyone sit down "

Mrs. Bella-" forgot to tell you, the school will be having a party on the 24th of February "

It was February 22nd so we had 2 days to get ready for the party

Jennie-" why does the school want to have a party "

Mrs. Bella-" for the students to take a brake from work and to make up for you guys almost getting killed last week on the trip "

The class laughed and we got up to leave the classroom, I was about to leave when Jennie held my wrist stopping me from moving forward

Jennie-" hey y/n do you want to go shopping for the party "

Y/n-" sure what time "

Jennie-" probably around 3:45 "

Y/n-" ok, I'll pick you up "

I always exit trough the back door because it's the closest to my class and it's the only place that are less crowded after dismissal

I drove home and went inside when the
smell of a sweet aroma rushed through my nose

I followed the smell and it let me to the kitchen where I saw my mom making "bimbimbap" in the kitchen

Y/n-" mom you made bimbimbap "

Mom-" I was bored so I decided to cook something " she said putting some of the food into a bowl giving it to me

She handed me a pair of chopsticks and sat on the opposite side of the table

Mom-" so how does it taste "

Y/n-" perfect " I said making her smile

Y/n-" I'm going shopping with Jennie do you want me to buy anything for you "

Mom-" no it's okay "

Y/n-" okay "

After eating I went to bedroom and changed into a black strapless top with a black pattern skirt and a black hand bag

After eating I went to bedroom and changed into a black strapless top with a black pattern skirt and a black hand bag

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I was about to leave when my mom stopped me from behind

Mom-" can you give Jennie this for me " she asked handing me a bag

Y/n-" what is it "

Mom-" it's bimbimbap, we had extra "

Y/n-" sure, I'll give it to her " I said leaving

Mom-" be careful "

Y/n-" I will "

I got in my car and drove to Jennie's house, it was a 17 minute drive to get to her house so I played "boy with luv" by bts to keep me from being bored

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