What type of person are they when they go into a haunted house 🏚

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• hold on to you
• screams
• trying to protect you but it scared herself
• you laughing
• shakes
• you both laughing at you self's about how silly you guys were
• you too get candy as a reward afterwards

try's to protect you with her spear
• playfully screams
• laughing
• overprotective
• doesn't get scared easy
• her knowing when to jump scares gonna happen so she braces herself
• having fun

Angel dust
• laughs at some of the stupid stuff they had
• no when jump scares gonna happen but he fails  and screams anyway
• make sexual comments to some off the cute workers
• screams
• cursing lots of cursing
• if one of the workers a little too close to you he would threaten to shoot
• would hold you when you scream and smile because he knows that he will protect you from any thing

• laughs at all poorly scares
• him smiling that terrified the workers
• would like it because you hold onto him when you are scared
• thinks  it's amusing and has a lot of entertainment
• Would kill any demon if they get too touchy you
• kind of thinks it's boring
• love it overall with you

• doesn't get scared easily
• doesn't let his guard down
• you hold onto him
• makes fun of Some of the stuff there
• likes it when you hold on to him
• doesn't like it that much
• he would be lying if he didn't say he kinda liked going to haunted houses with you

Cherry boom
• laughs
• playfull screams
• hold onto you like a lost child sometimes
• thinks it's amusing
• wants to do it again
• make fun of people they are trying to scare us
• you guys had fun

• scared
• screams
• her seeing dirt and immediately wants to clean it all but you have to hold her back
• hates  jump scares
• you felling bad for her
• candddyyyyy!!

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