🤔When they finally get a phone 📱

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Hey guys!,  Sorry I haven't been posting lately  school has been really kicking my as* with exams. Anyway buckle up people! because I am coming with chapters from my other books and this on!.


•To be honest she is kind of confused you know sense she has lived her entire life in hell but she is not scared to try new things.

• she wants to get every app buy or free on her phone. Let's just say she had to update her phone all the time so her phone will work with all the apps she has.

• she is very interested in Snapchat like all the features faces on it. She would ask you questions about it like   " why is there a rainbow coming out of your mouth?! Do you need a doctor babe?"  Or  " This filter is so cute on us! Babe"

• She is on her phone sometimes not a lot but sometimes you know?


• She was really confused and sometimes when it would go off she would take her spear out and try to stab it.

• She would have a decent amount of apps on her phone

• She is really interested in Instagram.

• She uses her phone anytime she is bored which is most of the time.

• Didn't even think about getting a phone until she saw yours

Angel dust

• He LOVES his phone you got him and would use it ALOT though out the day

• He would have many apps but not as many as Charlie

• He is a big fan of Tik Tok. He would have his own account and do viral dances.

• his ego just got a whole lot bigger since he found people cosplaying him. Even some of their animations and edits.

• he got a phone before you came along but didn't know how to work it.


super amused and clueless at the same time

• he had little to no apps on his phone

• Since he grew up in the 1900s everything modern technology is so new to him that he doesn't even know how to go along with it

• he really likes Spotify. He thinks it's kind of weird that you can just go on the search bar and find any song you want but he's not complaining.

• let me tell you when he heard The songs and impressions of him, He was actually impressed and weirded out. His favorite song of someone impression of him was insane by black GryphOn ( I love that song).

• he didn't get the phone until you beg him to get one because he was really missing out


confusion and suspicious at the little rectangle box you got him

• plays on his phone so much

• he likes YouTube because a lot of people do some crazy entertaining sh*t on there. Where was this when he was alive?!.

• he didn't get a phone until alastor kept telling him about his phone his girlfriend got him

Cherry bomb

• Loves it and is amused

• always has it in her hands or in battle pockets

• has a lot of apps on her phone

• she likes tik tok a lot like angel

• dose dances with angel and you on it

• got a phone before you were in hell


• more excited then ever

• on her phone when bored or done with work

• she also really likes Snapchat. She would always put cute features on and take pictures

• she got a phone before you even came to hell

• she is the most experience at phones then the rest of the hotel

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