🎂 Chairle birthday headcannon 🥳

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( you all know I had to do my girl Charlie 👌)

• OMG why is there so many presents every where!!!!!

• Hugs for days

• takes a break from the hotel and takes you to romantic and sweet places

• shopping..... LOTS of..... shopping

• almost looks like she was  Alastor for how much she was smiling

• expensive gifts 🎁 even though you told her not to spend a lot of money on you but she denied quickly🙅‍♀️

• cuddles cuddles cuddles cuddles!!

• throws you a surprise birthday party when you guys got back to the hotel

•  expensive restaurants 

• she is the queen of hell she can buy you anything you want

• asks her parents to borrow the limo to go to places

• takes you to the beach!!   You didn't even know there was a beach it's surprised you!

• make sure that this is the best birthday you ever have in.....the afterlife that is

All the more this was the best birthday yet for you

All the more this was the best birthday yet for you

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