How they react to when you Surprise hug them 🤗

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She would gladly hug you back with as much happynes. And even go so much as to kiss your cheek as a thank you for doing whatever you were trying to do. She would then ask you if you could give her another hug and you gladly accepted ☺️.

She got a little startle from the unexpected hug at first but then ease into it and hug you back with a shy small smile. Once when you guys pulled away from the hug she asked you why? a surprise hug?, you just said because you felt like it.

Angel dust
He automatically stoped what he was doing or talking to and Stiffen a little at the sudden contact. He then calm down once he saw your arms wrapped around and then said of course a cheesy joke like " Am I really that irresistible ~ " or  " if you just wanted my attention you could have said so baby~". He then picked you up and put you on his lap then hugged you. You are so happy 😁

He would I mean WOULD snap his head to look into your direction that scared you a lot. But once he found out it was you who hugged him he got a little calmer. He then asked you what are you doing, but instead of getting a answer he got a other hug instead. He sighed a little as he gently put his arms around you as he smiled softly and then teleport to your bed and you both stated like that.

He would immediately stop whatever he was doing and snap at your Direction. He would then try to push you off of him but that did not work out well for him. He will then ask " what the hell! Do you think you are doing kid ". After a couple of minutes of you not letting go he finally gave up on trying to push you away and excepted his fate and gave in as he put one wing and one arm around you and chuckled and said " haha you f*cking dum*ass what are you doing to me" as he blushed and a tiny smile on his face.

Cherry bomb
She would hug you back with no hesitation, she sees this as a competition so hugs you back a little harder and you did to you were not giving up on this competition. After the whole competition luckily no one broke a rib during this and you both decide to go back to what you were doing.

She would be so surprised and happy and return the favor by hugging you back in the most cutest way. Since she was so short you had to pick her up and hold her as she hugged you (🥺). After the hug she  asked you why would you do that and all you could say was because I can and will.

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