Chapter 23

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~Greys pov~

Today I was going to look at colleges. California still didn't send me anything. I was starting to lose hope that they would ever send me a scholarship.

Me and Ray have driven a few hours to Arizona to look at the college here that sent me a letter. We looked around and it was great, but it was missing one thing, my family.

Ray and I get back into the car and I groan in frustration. "Dont worry mija. It'll be okay.". I sigh and turn the radio up.

About a hour and half later we stopped at a tiny gas station. I walked in a got a Gatorade, chips, and a sandwich. I gave them to Ray and made my way to the bathroom.

When I come out I see Ray waiting by the exit door. "Ready to go?" I nod and we get back on the road. We start singing and dancing to some songs that come on the radio.

~time skip~

We arrived home around 12:30 in the morning. I can hear everyone rushing to their rooms to act like they were asleep. I guess the boys were pretending to fall asleep in the house tonight.

Ray and I walk in. "You guys ain't very slick." I yell. "We know you're awake just come down." Ray added.

Everyone came downstairs pretending to be tired, or maybe they were, I don't know. "Hey G" Luke said hugging me. "How'd it go?" Alex asked. "Terrible." I mumble.

"I liked that place." Ray said. "Yah but its too far from home.". Reggie and Julie share a look of sympathy. "Now everyone actually go to bed for real now." Ray said.

"See you tomorrow.". "Good night everyone." Luke said hugging Julie. Everyone went to their respected rooms except for the boys. "You coming man?". "Uhh yah give me a sec.". "Alright but don't be too long or too loud." Alex said.

Reggie nodded and they left. "My room?". He nods once again and we quietly make our way up to my room.
"Whats up?" I ask.

"Why didn't you like the university?". "Cuz Reg its too far.". "But isn't that what growing up is? Moving on?". "Yah but I just fixed everything and now I have to leave.". He nods.

"Do you think they'll ever send me a letter?". "Maybe. If not then they missed out on one smart person." He smiles. I sadly nod. "Ya.".

"Im gonna go shower.". "Okay.". I get some pajamas and head to the bathroom. When I'm done I get dressed, brush my teeth and wash my face. I head into my room to see Reggie still there, watching TV.

"Why are you still here babe? Aren't you gonna go to sleep?". "Yah but I haven't seen you all day.". I walk over to the bed and he pulls me down.

I lay on his chest listening to his steady heartbeat while he strokes my hair. "You know its gonna be okay? Right?". "Yah. I just don't want to leave. Maybe I can do online school and stay here with you guys.".

"If you want but I think it will be fun if you went to college babe. You could meet new people and make new friends.". "That might sound nice to you, but I'm not like you handsome, I don't talk to strangers or hug random people on the streets.".

"Well what are you gonna do?". "I don't know, but I'll figure it out.". That was a lie. I know exactly what I'm going to do.  I'm going to get an apartment down the road, ask any of the boys if they want to move in since its only 5 minutes away. Then do online school.

~time skip to the next morning~

"Any mail?" I ask hoping, just hoping I got a letter. "No mija. Sorry.". I groan and sit in the couch next to Luke.

"What ya doing Lukey?". "Just watching TV." He replies. "How do you feel?". This question confused me. "Fine. Why?".

"Because you're graduating soon!" Alex says sitting next to me. "Ugh don't remind me.". "Which means the deadline to pick a college is this Friday." Tia says coming out of legit no where. Like when did she even get here?

I groan. "Excuse me please." I say going to my room. I accept the application to go to the online program at Arizona University. It was the only way that would work for me.

Now all I do is wait.

I know this chapter sucked. This is a filler chapter, hence why it is so short. But I hope you enjoyed it♡
Xoxo me ✌

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