Chapter 30 (Bonus)

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~Reggie pov~

Today I woke up not feeling good. Not like sick or anything, just not myself. Have you ever felt uncomfortable in your own skin? Well yeah that's how I feel today.

Every now and then it's normal for people to feel like this, but I can't even look at myself in the mirror.

Grey says I have nothing to worry about and that I'm the hottest guy around , but she has to say that she's my girlfriend.

I stand in front of the full body length mirror in her room. I look at everything I don't like about myself.

Just as I was about to continue my list, Grey comes in with the snacks. Oh great exactly what I need. More calories! Note the sarcasm.

"Hey babe. Checking yourself out? Thats my job.". Usually I would chuckle but I just continued to stare.

"Whtas wrong?" She says walking behind me. I just keep eyeing my body.

"You know i love you so much and you're so handsome." She says leaning her head on my shoulder.

"How did you know?" I ask quietly. "Because I used to do this. Just stand in front of the mirror and judge myself.".

"Oh.". "Im just sooo....I'm ugly.". "No you're not Reginald." she says seriously.
"You want to go swimming?" she asks trying to distract my mind.

"No im not in the mood to see my". "That's it. Take your shirt off.". "What no why?". "Just do it.".

I take it off and face her. "Whats thid all about?". "Now look in the mirror.". I looked in the mirror expecting something to change but it was still just me.

"Okay?". "Look how beautiful you are.". I make a face at her. (😑)  "Yah okay.".

"Seriously Reg. How many fangirls are wanting to date you? I bet if I asked they would all be like meeeeeee."

"So?". "Soooo my point is you are so much more than what you see babe.".

"You have to say that your my girlfriend.". "I really don't have too.".

"But now that I think about it, you are right I look ugly too."she says. "I never said that.". " helped me figure it out...I look like a freaking whale.".

"Stop it.". "My arms are too big, I have too much acne, my legs are too long, my nails aren't long enough ...".

I interrupt her "Babe stop.". "... my hairs too short my lips are too small, my nose is too big. IM SO UG-". "STOP IT." I raise my voice.

I can tell it scared her. Shes never heard me scream before. Thats because I don't...I don't want to be like my parents.

"I didn't mean to scream, but you are literally perfect.". I take her hand and look her in the mirror. "No reg I look so bad.". "You look perfect to me. You don't see what i see.".

"Exactly.". "What?". "Reg, you think I'm perfect because you don't see all the 'flaws' I see. Well it's the same with you. I think you are perfect, don't need to change one thing at all. You might see your 'flaws' but I don't because...they're simply not there.".

"Look." She turns me to the mirror again. "I like your muscles, your skin tone, you hair, your eyes, nose , lips. I especially like your lips. Your hands. How mine is so small compared to yours.".

She would touch what she was talking about. When she talked about my hair she ran her hand through my hair which reminded me why I fell in love with her. "Your turn." she says hugging my torso from behind.

I turn to the mirror and start naming a few things. Everytime I say something her smile grows, which makes me keep listing things.

"You feel better?". I nod and smile. "You know you should really keep your shirt off more often." shs smirks. "You know I don't think your lips are too small. They're amazing." I say bringing her into a kiss.


Not edited because I'm lazy lol.

Xoxo me 👻

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