Chapter 15

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~Reggie pov~

I go inside to grab dinner for Grey since she said she's sleeping under the patio tonight. I also got some blankets, pillows, card games and some warm pajamas for her to wear.

Ray stopped me." Reggie where are you going?". "Im sleeping outside with Greyson tonight.". "Oh I don't care if she sleeps outside but you shouldn't its going to be 20 degrees tonight.". I nod my head. "Reggie all im saying is she doesn't deserve you. If yall were in a movie, she would be the background character and you the star. The background character doesn't date the star."

"Well sorry you feel that way." I say and walk out. I go under the porch. "Hey. I brought dinner and some other things we might need.". "We?". "Im not letting you sleep out here alone.". She smiles. "You need to eat.". She hasn't ate all day.

She eats the Chilli. I set up our beds. We pass hours by playing games. It gets dark and somehow manages to get darker. We're in our beds. I can hear her teeth chattering. "Grey.". "Yah?". "Are you cold too?". "Yes.". I get up and scoot my pillows and blanket next to her.

"What are you doing Reg?". "Well if we wanna stay warm, we need to be closer to each other. And maybe get they boys in here. The more people the more body heat." She giggles. I wrap an arm around her and she snuggles into my chest.

"Hey Reg.". "Yah?". " What was your family like?" I was shocked. "You don't have to talk about it if its a sore spot.". She was so brave to talk about her story today. I might as well tell her too. Its only fair.

"No. Its fine.". She looks up at me. "You sure?"her breath tickles my neck. "Yah I'm sure. Well there's not much to say. I was born an only child. My parents were in love until I started getting older. They were always arguing and yelling. I tried to stay away from that, so I was always with the boys in the studio. There was sometimes when I would beg them to stop arguing or to just divorce already." My voice cracked at the last part.

"Reg you don't have to go on." She says as she caresses my cheek. "No. I want my future wife to know my past.". Its dark but I know she's blushing so hard right now. "Okay.". "There was sometimes when I would get involved in the argument. They always wanted me to choose a side, but I couldn't. They were my parents. I couldn't choose." I feel a tear run down my cheek.

Grey is quick to wipe it away and give me a small kiss on my cheek. " They argued alot about me, so I thought if I wasn't there maybe they would get along.". "Awwwww Reggie. You're not the reason they were always fighting. They had their own problems." She said wrapping her arms around me.

"I know. Now. Anyways they never came to our gigs. My dad started working extra late, so he didn't have to deal with my mom. And my mom started going out more to ignore my dad. I was always left alone. Even though the house was empty and quiet, I would still go to the studio with the boys.".

It feels so good to tell her that. "I know its nothing like you've been through so I try not to make a big deal.". "Reggie you wanna know one of my favorite sayings?". That was random. "Sure.".

"If a person drowns in 7 feet deep water". Why are we talking about people drowning? "And another person drowns in 20 feet deep water. They're both dead no matter how deep they drowned. So don't compare your problems to others, because you still both hurt, even if they had it worse.".

(A/n: idk the exact saying, but It goes something like that)

"Wow. I like that saying.". "Well I have plenty more if you ever need them." She says as she yawns. Soon sleep over takes us.

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