Chapter 27

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Whattttt? Another update? HECK YES! Hope you guys like it!

Blake's P.O.V.

I headed outside to were Hannah sat, sharpening her machete, (which, by the way, I hardly ever saw her use) engrossed in its sharpness.

"Hey." I said.

"Hi." She didn't look up. Since we left Kat behind she hasn't been herself. I sighed and sat down beside her facing the opposite way.

The air was silent and the only sound came for the rhythmic scrapping from her machete. It wasn't awkward, but a comfortable silence. That is until a walker started coming at her.

I jumped up. "Hannah! Get up, there's a walker!" She didn't move. I fumbled for the gun attached at my hip, and of course, it was stuck. I sliced my finger on the buckle and growled from the pain, but kept at work trying to get it out. It was about to grab Hannah but she still hadn't move.

What the heck is she doing?!

At last it slipped out of the holder. I stood and aimed.


I stared at the walker as it fell to the ground with a gun shot right between its eyes, but I hadn't shot.

I slowly looked down at Hannah who had her arm stretched behind her and a smokin gun in her hand, eyes still on her machete. I stood gawking like a fish.

"How did you do that?!" I looked at her bewildered and sat down in front of her.

"Well, when your friends with the Dixon's," she finally looked up at me with a smirk, her beautiful eyes sparkling with mischief, "you learn some things." Now there's the girl I love. Always full of surprises.

I looked at her with a smile of my own. "Then why don't you show it. I mean, like Kat is always doin."

She shrugged her shoulders and looked back down at her machete. "I don't know. I guess because of Kat. She's always trying to protect me and doesn't want me doing it myself." She looked up at the sky and back at me. "I should start calling her 'mom'."

We both laughed at this.

"Hey, do you want a challenge?"

Hannah's P.O.V

"Blake! How do you keep missing?" I walked over to Blake who was throwing his knife at the ground frustrated.

He had challenged me to a competition of throwing knifes at a tree that he had carved a bullseye in. If I lost, I had to give him a kiss. If he lost, he said he had something special that he would do for me. Daryl wasn't too fond of the idea. He was currently asleep under a tree nearby.

"I don't know how you do this! You must be cheating." He looked at me with his hands on his hips.

I smiled at him. "And how would I be cheating at throwing knifes? Unless I have telepathy powers, then I don't see how." He just rolled his eyes and laughed. I was winning, of course. I had made 10 bullseyes and Blake had only made 2.

I knew what would really make him think I was good.

I walked over to my machete that I had stuck in the ground and took it in front of the tree we had been using. I stayed a good distance away and got ready to aim. I put an arm in front of me and lifted the machete above my head. With a swift movement of my arm, I threw it at the tree and the point made a perfect bullseye.

I happily turned around to look at Blake. If he was a cartoon character, I'm sure his eyes would be popping out.

"So, I think I won. What's my reward?" He smiled and walked over to me and pushed my back gently against a tree, our faces inches apart. I could feel his hot breath on my skin. Even though it was probably 80 degrees outside, it gave me goosebumps all over.

"Oh, I think you definitely won." and I knew what my prize would be as he crashed his lips onto mine.

I was out hunting with Daryl, since Kat has been gone for 3 days now. He as been off the reservation (coo-coo crazy). He saw a squirrel and shot it, but missed, braking it in half.

Daryl Dixon NEVER misses. EVER.

He is not Ok at all. I know. He lost his sister. His little sister. He lost his everything, even though he would never admit it.

He walked up to the tree and took the arrow out, a flash in his eyes. I saw he needed to brake down.

"Go on and head back to camp" he told me with no emotion and walked in the direction. The direction of the FARM! What the what??

"Da-" i tried to get out, but he cut me off.

"Now!" He growled at me and i nodded, running off.

Kat's P.O.V

I was covered in blood and walker guts, just walking in the woods with barley any energy left. I had already finished off my 2 bottles of water and the few crackers i had.

Daryl must be worried sick. But what about Hannah? Or Brad? They must be worried, too. Did they all make it?

I was cut out of my thoughts by a twig snapping, out came a walker, but everything went black...

Cliffhanger!! 10 votes and i will update again!

Love y'all!


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