Chapter 1

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Kat's P.O.V

I've been out hunting with Daryl for bout 5 hrs. We have been tracking a deer for miles. I haven't had deer in what seemed like ages. I can almost taste the damn thing! I was lost in my thoughts when i ran into somethin hard, which was Daryl's back. I stumbled back a few steps about to fall when two rough hands grabbed my elbows.

I opened my green-blue eyes to be met with his icy blue. I then shook my head and glared. "What the hell?!" I whisper shouted.

He returned the glare and put his finger to his lips indicating for me to be quiet. I looked at him confused, but sayed quiet. He nodded his head and whistled in the direction of a buck. My eyes grew wide and a smirk found its way to my lips. He lifed his crossbow, but I put my hand out to stop him. He looked at me confused at first but quickly recovered. I nodded over to the deer and lifed my crossbow and did as Daryl always taught me to do.

Aim. Breath. Shoot.

The arrow flew through the air and right in the bucks neck, and it took off. Daryl looked at me with a look of approval and nodded. I look at him for a second. I then smirked and as i was about to get up from the bush we were behind. We heard a high pitch scream. My face fell. That scream can only belong to one person... Sophia. I've always had a soft spot for kids. Daryl and i look at each other. Then we both jumped up and ran towards the scream. When we got there, the men where all pointing guns at us.

I glared at them. "What ya gonna do, shoot us?!" I yell quite pissed and a little irritated. They instantly lowered their weapons.

I then shoved past them with Daryl hot at my heals. And saw a decapitated walker, and the deer all gnawed on.

"Dammit!" I yelled getting a disapproving look from Lori and I just glared at her. Then i heard Daryl yell some stuff and kick the walker body. And then say somethin to Dale and i snorted.

I then noticed that the walker head was snarling so that pissed me off even more! So i took my crossbow and fired it, hitting it right in the eye. I went up to it and pressed my boot to the skull and ripped it out, then wiping the blood on my pants.

"Dammit people, its gotta be in tha brain." I say, while pointing to my head. I then turn and shove past Andrea and Amy, while calling for Merle.

"Merle! Get ya lazy ass out here!" I yell while tossing the squirrel that I got by the fire pit.

"Merle!" I yell again.

I felt a presence beside me and knew it was Daryl. We look at each other confused. Then Shane came over to us with this new guy.

"Kat. Daryl. Slow up a bit. We need to talk." I said with concern in his voice.

I glared at him. And was about to open my mouth to say something until Daryl spoke up first.

"There ain't nuthin ta be said. Where is our brother?!" He said, his voice raising, clearly getting pissed.

"There... uh, was, um, an incident that happened in the city," he trailed off. Now I started to get pissed.

"He dead?" I said glaring trying to fight back tears.

"We don't know." Shane answered, glancing at the new guy.

"What ya mean ya 'don't know'?! Daryl and I said at the same time.

"Either he dead, or he ain't!" Daryl yelled getting in Shane's face.

"There is no easy way to say this, so I'll just say it," The sheriff dude tryed to explain.

"Who the hell are ya?" Daryl snapped getting in the new guys face.

"Rick. Rick Grimes." The Rick answered.

"Well, Rick Grimes, lemme process this." Daryl said pointing to his head.

"You hand cuffed our brother to a roof?!!..." he yelled.

"And left him there?!" I screamed. My hands clenched into fists.

"Your brother was a danger to us all. I handcuffed him to the roof on a piece of medal." Rick said. Ok now i was beyond pissed. And by the looks of it Daryl is to.

Then T-Dog came with some fire wood, and dropped it. "I dropped the key." He stated.

"And you couldn't pick it up?!" I scream once again, lunging for him. But was caught by the waist. I kicked and punched. "Put me down, dammit!!" The voice of person holding me said "Your a a feisty one, aren't ya?" Shane. I hated him. I know he wanted me, because whenever he looked at me his eyes were full of lust. My anger took to a new level, and I brought my head back as hard as I could. Hearing a crack I smirked in success as the arms around me dropped followed by a groan. I glanced at Daryl to see him smirk and nod in approval. I nodded back. Then T-Dog continued,

"I dropped it down a drain." He said quietly.

"Well if thas supposed ta make us feel better, it don't." Daryl seethed glancing at me.

"Well maybe this will, I put a chain and padlock on the door so the geeks can't get to him." T-Dog said hope clear in his voice.

My vision started to get blurry. Then I remembered what Daryl would always tell me, Dixons don't cry, I swallowed the lump forming in my throat, and whipped my eyes quickly.

"The hell with all ya"ll!" I yelled, my voice cracking.

"Just tell us where he is so we can go get 'im!" I yelled.

"He'll show you." Lori said, looking at Rick.

"I'll go." T-Dog spoke.

"Me too." Glenn said stepping up. Rick nodded.

"So your going to to risk 5 of our men for a douche bag like Merle?!" Shane snapped at Rick.

"Hey!" Daryl and I said at the same time.

"Choose your words more carefully, Shane." I seethed at him, doing our famous Dixon glare.

"Sorry sweet heart, but i meant waht i said." He said to me in a sickening sweet tone. I clutched my fists and my face became bright red.

"Don't you ever call me sweet heart again." I said through clenched teeth.

He just smirked at me.

We started to head to the van and was pulled to the side by a angry looking Daryl.

"What ya want?" I asked a little irritated.

He eyed me or a second. "I don't want ya commin with us." He said sternly.

"Well I am anyway. Ya gotta deal with it Dare." I told him, using his nickname I've called him since i was 5.

He sighed in frustration. "I just don't want anythin happenin ta ya. Ya know? I mean if we lost Merle I don't know what I'd do." He said looking down a the ground, running a hand through his hair.

"Dare, I can take care of ma self. Ya know tha." I said slightly smiling at him. "I learned from the best." This made him smile.

"Ok fine. But ya better listen ta me, 'cause i ain't loosin ya ass. 'Right?" He states.

I nod. And smirk that typical Dixon smirk. And hoped into the van with crossbow in hand. I smiled and shook my head when Daryl stared blaring the horn and yelling for them to hurry up. After everyone was in the van, Daryl plopped down beside me and started messing with his crossbow, the same thing i was doin. Then the van lurched forward to the city to go get Merle. Knowin him that dumb ass coulda cut off his own hand by now.

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