⋆ ˚。⋆ ✧ author's note(s).

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i. chapters.
Please note that the following handful of chapters are graphic galleries, aka where I display graphics made for this book and/or characters by myself or other lovely users. As it is, I make way too many graphics for this story, but I'm also so ecstatic at having received so many lovely graphics for this story from other people - I just had to display them all!! If you have a moment, do take a moment to appreciate the beautiful graphics people have made.

I figured I'd mention it here itself that there are plenty of actual chapters in this book once you get past the gallery chapters. So yeah, here's your early warning of sorts in case you start wondering what's going on and if there's any actual chapters to be found (hint: yes, there are! several of them! keep scrolling!)

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ii. j. k. rowling.
I don't think I need to elaborate on the misinformed, hateful, and disgusting views the writer of Harry Potter has expressed in recent years, but I do want to reiterate my position on this situation. I do not support J.K. Rowling, nor do I care for people that do. Trans people are people. This is not, and never was, up for debate.

I also think it's about time the fandom acknowledges all the places where the books fell short. There's tons of problematic stuff in them, and not thinking about it won't make them any better. Ignorance is not bliss, folks. All that said, we are here to read and, in a way, support something that was written by transphobic, biased woman. I can't let go of Harry Potter, but I can't support Rowling either. This dissonance has been stressing me out for ages, and I know many others in the fandom are feeling the same way. So what to do?

I can't make this situation easier for anyone, but something that has helped me come to terms with loving the books but hating the author is counter supporting the trans community in any way I can, and I urge you to do the same. Support organizations for trans people, help raise awareness about issues facing the transgender community, attend support or education groups on trans rights -- if you support HP, please please consider supporting the community that is being hurt by the maker of this series.

In addition to that, if you think separating the art from the artist method works for you, do that too. I know there's some discourse about whether or not we should separate the art from the artist, but in the end, I feel it comes down to individual preference. It doesn't matter whether you link HP to the author or separate them both, what matters most is that you acknowledge the faults in the HP books, condemn the actions/words of the author, and do your best to support the trans community.

*(I don't mean to be offensive here or belittle anyone's opinions!
I'm still learning to speak about such sensitive topics, so if
I've unknowingly said anything hurtful, dm me or leave a
comment to let me know and I'll do everything I can
to learn and fix my error.)

Also, kindly refrain from buying the books and movies or official merchandise and thereby lining JK's pockets. If you need to read the books, read them for free if possible (all the books are available online! Just type in the name of the books and add 'pdf', and something should turn up. Ex: Google "Order of the Phoenix pdf" to read the 5th book). You can usually watch the movies for free too, and fanmade HP merchandise on Etsy etc. are a great way to get HP merch if you want some, and in doing so you will also support small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic (please, do NOT buy the official stuff!! we do not line JK's pockets.)

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iii.   pacing.
Okay, lastly, let's talk pacing. . . I'll be honest, the first few chapters are kinda slow in terms of pacing. It usually takes me a couple chapters (think ~10) to decide on a tone for the book and figure out the pace etc. So yes, the first 10 chapters are kind of slow, mostly world-building/era-setting of sorts, though they do also set up a lot of the main plot. Starting chapter 11, however, I think the pace picks up considerably and the writing is a bit more concise.

All that is to say, run while you still can. Seriously, I don't take responsibility for any emotions, good or bad, that you might experience while reading this book.

You have been forewarned.

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