⋆ ˚。⋆ ✧───two.

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chapter two.
new friendships and old

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London5:30 am

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5:30 am

JULIETTE LET THE balcony door shut behind her as she walked over to a newly unwrapped swing chair that had been a gift from her Aunt Athena. I've heard these are all the rage amongst Muggle youth these days! Juliette's father hadn't seemed too impressed, but Juliette had never loved her aunt more. Even in the disappearing twilight, Juliette could see the chair's white wood, the pale pink and gray cushions, and the steel stand holding it up. With a smile, she settled into the chair, holding a steaming mug of tea in one hand and clutching a box of chocolate digestives in the other.

She warmed her hands around the mug and took a small sip, careful to not let it scald her tongue. Apart from the gentle patter of rain tapping against concrete, a soft silence imposed itself upon her from all sides. She knew London would soon wake to the sight of dark skies and steady rain, but for now, the world was at peace.

As if on cue, a shrill sound pierced the air. Juliette set her mug down. The noise echoed in the quiet night again, closer this time, and she realized what it was.

A hoot.

Juliette glanced up in time to see a large bird fly out from low, dense clouds and hurl itself towards her. A minute later, a tawny owl landed at the metal rail of the balcony, a hefty looking package tied to one of its legs.

"Phorcys," Juliette whispered, reaching for her owl, "you're back! What have you got here?"

The owl hooted loudly, ruffling its ash colored feathers as it dropped to the floor. Light from nearby lamp posts illuminated the parcel it had been carrying - a box wrapped in purple paper, a silvery wax seal pressed into its side. Jedwin's, she thought to herself as she picked up the owl. She'd used an owl order to refill her tea stock; the parcel had arrived earlier than she'd expected.

"Hey," mumbled Juliette, fighting to hold the owl, which seemed oddly restless and kept flapping its wings in her lap. "Stay still, Phorcys, stay still..."

"I've never seen anyone keep an owl for a pet," a voice spoke from nearby.

Juliette jumped, knocking over her mug and sending the owl fluttering to the floor. Phorcys hooted angrily, his bright yellow eyes aghast. Juliette shot him an apologetic glance and turned to see a woman leaning over the balcony next to hers, barely three feet away.

"Sorry," said the woman quietly, her voice mellow, "didn't mean to scare you like that."

"It's alright," breathed Juliette, taking in deep breaths to calm her racing heart, "I just wasn't expecting anyone to be up this early."

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