⋆ ˚。⋆ ✧───nine.

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❨ chapter nine.
the last day.

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     THE FINAL EXAMS, daunting as they had seemed mere days prior, were over before any of them even registered the week flying by, and suddenly, the end of semester had arrived in all its bittersweet glory, bringing with it a renewed sense of exc...

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     THE FINAL EXAMS, daunting as they had seemed mere days prior, were over before any of them even registered the week flying by, and suddenly, the end of semester had arrived in all its bittersweet glory, bringing with it a renewed sense of excitement and apprehension for the seventh years who had, after seven long years, reached the end of their journey at Hogwarts.

     The morning of their last day at Hogwarts had dawned gray and damp, the grounds still wet from the pouring of the night before, and a sickly chill clung to the air within the stone castle. Yet in spite of the intrepid weather casting a pall on the beginning of their summer, after the weeks of tension and tears they had all suffered leading up to the final exams, the students of Hogwarts found themselves in high spirits as they bustled around, taking care of last minute packing or else getting ready to leave for the Hogsmeade station. Even the seventh years - who would not return come the following term - milled about the corridors with beaming smiles, chatting animatedly and exchanging goodbyes. Looking around at the scene unfolding before him, for one, glorious moment, Sirius could almost forget the war that awaited them beyond the gates of Hogwarts.

     "Don't be so grim," James groaned from Sirius' right, who realized belatedly that he'd voiced his thoughts out loud. "It doesn't suit us, Padfoot."

     "Neither does using barmy nicknames," said a voice from behind them, and Sirius glanced over his shoulder to see Marlene McKinnon grinning up at them. She fell into step with James and Sirius as they made their way to the Gryffindor common room after breakfast. Needing to pack their remaining belongings, the boys had finished breakfast quickly and departed for their dormitory, leaving all their friends in the Great Hall — it had been restored overnight to its normal state after the previous night's farewell feast, where the Marauders had managed to set off a load of fireworks and colored smoke bombs to honor their reputation as mischief makers one last time. Much to everyone's disbelief and amusement, Dumbledore had conjured up an ancient gramophone at the sight of the colorful display to provide music for the remainder of the feast. All in all, and despite the gloomy circumstances, Sirius felt it was the best farewell feast he'd ever attended.

     As they climbed the grand staircase, Marlene shook her head fondly. "I never understood why you boys insist on using such stupid names for one another."

     Sirius shot James a grin as he said, "It's only stupid if you're not smart enough."

     This earned Sirius a sharp jab to his side from a scowling Marlene who otherwise ignored his comment.

     "I came to ask whether either of you had any plans this coming Monday."

     "Dunno," replied James, looking over at Sirius, who shrugged.

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