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GROWING UP, the only parental figures Alexandra Stark had in her life were her father, Happy Hogan, Pepper Potts, and the very first version of DUM-E. When she asked about her mother, her father always told her that her mother loved her very much but she couldn't be there for her. Only in the form of the handwritten letters she left behind did Alex have any contact with her missing mother. 

Marion Rue Stellar wasn't one for attachments, not because they made her weak, but because she thought of herself as a problem, all because of her volatile powers, ones that her daughter inherited; minus the volatile part.

Those powers were the only reason that Marion Stellar and Tony Stark remained nothing more than one-night stands to each other. 

Alex inherited her father's wit and genius, but her face was all thanks to her mother. Raven hair and chestnut brown eyes were reminiscent of her mother's wild charm, apart from the tired look Marion always sported in the pictures her father had tracked down of her.

In the eyes of Alex Stark, family was, by far, the highest virtue. 

Her family had been limited to her father, his almost-girlfriend, Happy, and Jarvis. And then, once her father was asked to join a team of superheroes, Alex found her family increasing in size. Due to her powers, she joined her father, taking a part-time gig while her father made it full-time. 

Nonetheless, despite her father restricting her activities with the group, she joined them in show-downs, like the one she was in now. 

She felt thankful to fight alongside them. 


OK, maybe not that much. But to be fair, her annoyance with aliens far outweighed her love for her family. The ugly faces of the aliens and the constant screaming and maiming stressed her out. She didn't have a weapon, she didn't carry any; much to her father's chagrin. Her powers let her be free of weapons, she could conjure anything she wanted. 

"DIE, BITCH!" She bellowed, sucker-punching an alien in the face.

"Please," Natasha Romanoff groaned under her breath, "Control your language."

"Since when were you one for language, Aunt Nat?" She spared Natasha a glance, grinning wide.

"Since Pepper and your Dad sat me down for a ten-minute lecture for teaching you those words!" Natasha shouted back, dodging a punch from an alien. She aimed her gun at it, shooting immediately, "I'd like to avoid sitting through one of those again."

"I heard about it," Clint's cackle rung in their ears, he stood on a rooftop, letting his arrows fly without hesitation, "It did not sound good."

Alex chuckled, kicking an alien in the face, trying to put some distance between herself and it. The alien followed her, bringing its friends along. She grinned wider, that's it. The green flames danced on her shoulders, tripping down her fingers, she fit her superhero name perfectly, hellfire.

Her hands guided the green flames, letting them spread in a circle, covering the cars and the orange fires blazing among the destruction. Alex's chestnut eyes turned electric green, and she tilted her head back. 


The explosion swallowed the aliens surrounding her, and she heard their distorted screams, ringing off the destroyed walls of New York's recognizable buildings. The fire spread, and she watched it go, its color reflected in her eyes. 

And then, the green fire suddenly faltered. 

She froze. The sky above her was blue, too bright. She felt a tug at her navel, and her eyes trailed toward her hands. The fire disappeared and her hands turned transparent. Panic filled her, stumbling. Her hand faded as if she was made of sand grains running away to the vortex in the sky. 

She screamed but the sound didn't travel. 

And just like that, in a single moment, Alexandra Stark, arguably one of the most recognizable teens in the world, daughter of Marion Rue Stellar and Anthony Edward Stark ceased to exist. 



This book is now under editing, for the final goddamned fucking time. So, bear with me, watch some chapters go down and come back looking different. I'm editing this cuz I reread this and got second-hand embarrassment, plus, I'm back in my Dick Grayson obsession.

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