chapter twenty-three.

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IT'S THE FIRST GALA that I will be attending in lots of years with my entire family present. It's been 2 months since they appeared in Gotham, and a lot of things happened, my initial theory had been correct. Most of the things present in their universe had been reflected in our universe. Dad was the CEO of Stark Industries as usual and was known for being close friends with Bruce Wayne, hence I had been put under his legal custody. 

Dad has a mansion about 5 minutes of a walk away from Wayne Manor, he suggested getting a penthouse in the center of Gotham but Bruce and I immediately said no. The rest of the Avengers have been integrated into the League. Clint moved to Kansas and lives nearby Ma Kent, Clark's really jazzed about that.

Natasha has been hanging out with Black Canary, Wanda, and her brother have been separated, but they keep in touch. Wanda is under Oliver's care, I don't understand the reasoning behind that. And Quicksilver, Pietro, has been put under Barry's care. Wally's been hanging out with Pietro a lot and Dick's feeling a little heartbroken to have his boyfriend stolen. 

Steve is settling down into a more civilian role, Clark and he are besties at this point. Bruce Banner is at Star Labs, enjoying his science and less money-fueled friends (though I can tell he misses dad).

Earlier Dad, Samantha, and Pepper had been staying at the Manor and the extra company had been appreciated. Now they're down the street at Stark Mansion, I didn't move with them. Dad was a little hurt but I felt more comfortable at Wayne Manor.

But anyway, back to the gala. Roy is attending, surprising I know! And even more surprising, he's attending as my date. Before his death, Jason used to get annoyed that only Roy and Dick were allowed to take me as dates to galas. Bruce always said that if he went as my date it wouldn't be a mission. I can still remember how red we both went. 

I never dated anyone since I came into the universe, I just pined after Jason. After Jason's death, Tim has been added to the roster of go-to dates, for tonight, Roy is the lucky man to get to hold my hand.

"This is in no way my fault."

Roy glances at me, raising an eyebrow in disbelief, "Oh really? Then it just might be my fault that you decide to be a fucking important league member, right?"

I frown, sighing, "First of all, what's your point?"


I lost the point of our argument about five seconds after it started, but I was having too much fun hurling curse words at Roy to mention it, "What what? I have no idea why we're arguing."

"Are you seriously telling me that I've been cursing at you for the past five minutes and you didn't know why," Roy is getting annoyed, I can see the vein in his forehead, "But you didn't say anything?!"

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