chapter twenty-five.

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❞The red hood is here

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❞The red hood is here.❞


HE SAW THE GIRL AGAIN, after the Gala. By his grave. She was completely unaware that the grave she was standing over was empty, save for a wasted coffin. He stood, hiding behind another grave, she was sitting by his headstone, speaking. She had just arrived, he'd been about to leave when he'd seen her car pull up and had been unable to not follow her.

He could hear her. 

"Hey Jay," She said, her hand brushing some stray leaves away from his headstone, "I hope you aren't feeling cold... Gotham's winters start about a month before the rest of the world's winters start... it's a freaky fact."

She leaned back on her elbows, he watched her without blinking. He didn't want to miss even a single second watching her. 

"I've been making good friends with Wanda and Pietro," She continued, "I haven't made that much  progress with my sister, though I promised to make a relationship with her to Dick, I think it's going to take more time for me to fulfill that promise..."

She sniffed and he felt his hand clench, he felt sad that she felt sad and angry that he couldn't do anything about it. She started to talk again, "Some... sometimes I really wish that you hadn't died Jason... not — not sometimes, actually, all the time, and my therapist, god bless him, is trying to help me but to this day the only one who has been able to push my troubles away within an hour is you..."

"I want to tell you so many things Jay, so many things where I'm completely sure that you're listening, when you're sitting in front of me so that I can see your reaction," She groaned, rubbing her wet eyes. He could see her cheeks shining with tears from the distance, "But I can't so I'll — I'll have to settle for this I guess..."

She continued crying, her hands shaking as she tried again and again to stop the tears flowing down her cheeks. He wanted to go to her, he wanted to sit there and hold her hand but this thing, this anger inside him, writhing ever since he heard that the Joker had been left alive after his death, kept him standing far away from the girl. 

"I don't know what's come over me today, Jay, but... but," She looked up at the sky, she wasn't admiring the stupid grey sky, she was trying to push the tears back in, "I... I saw the tape you left behind, of course I did... I've watched it over 20 times... and — and I haven't given you a proper response yet... but — but I love you, Jason."

He felt his heart clench, hearing her say that about someone like him was like this healing balm that made everything feel like heaven for just a second. 

"I don't love you like a friend Jason, at least not only that," She continued, the words continuously spilling over her lips, her tears spilling down her cheeks, "I love you, I love you like more, I just — I just love you!"

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