chapter nineteen.

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A LOT OF THINGS are happening all at once, there are screams and robots flying around. There is fire and smoke and I'm just so tired. Being mentally unstable and a hero is a tiring thing, especially when you don't use the patented method to deal with your shit, lots and lots of ice cream and your guilty pleasure movies playing in the background. 

My hands are tired as I lift them up again and again, the blue energy is in my hands and around me in a 5m circle. The replicas of my robot brother are falling like flies. 

I'm really tired and my arms burn. 

I keep my hands up because I need to kill as many of these robots as I can, "COME AND GET IT MOTHERFUCKERS!"

"Samantha, for the love of god."

I laugh at the voice in my ears, "You're getting too influenced by Uncle Stevie, Nat."

I had learned better than to call Natasha 'Aunt', she had glared so hard and I had almost pissed my pants. I hear her laugh in my ear, "You're a 19-year-old you can bring the swear words in two more years."

"Never is more like it."

I roll my eyes at dad's voice, but I can't reply because my hands fall. There aren't any robots flying overhead, and I take a small breather. It's been two hours since we touched down on Sokovian ground, and the fight has just started.

I want to go home. I really just want to go home. 

I see a kid, she is running and there is no one with her. I start jogging towards her, she meets my eyes and then I see a robot from the corner of my eyes with his arm turned into a gun aimed right at that little girl's head. 

My hands are up within a second, the blue energy is like a whip reaching for the robot. It reaches him a millisecond late because the bullet is out of the gun. I am sprinting for the girl, my hand outstretched. The blue energy doesn't come because I'm so tired.

The panic settles in my chest, threatening to fall off my lips with vomit. 


Red comes out of nowhere. The child is up in the air, screaming and I'm screaming as well. The bullet hits rubble and then the child is placed safely down. I know who the red belongs to, the redhead comes into my view. 

She's by the child and I reach them in time to see her conversing with the little girl in Sokovian. I never had the time to pick up the language, I already had to memorize so many others to keep up with Natasha and Clint, through the motivation of my own never due to my dad's request. 

"Hey..." I say, and she looks up, the little girl is confused but she stays standing in front of the kneeling redhead, "Thanks for saving her."

Her accent is thick, "No problem... I had to save her."

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