chapter sixteen.

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❞A human sibling would've been better

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❞A human sibling would've been better.❞

(a/n :- mentions of death, rape and abuse)


THERE ARE A LOT OF FUCKED UP things at the moment. I'm Samantha Grey, the younger daughter of Tony Stark, also arguably known as the best Stark. It's been four years since I was adopted, give or take a few months. I have taken on the mantle of Hellfire. I am the youngest member of the Avengers, the same age Alexandra was when she first was indicted into the Avengers. 

I'm 19 now. Alexandra would've been 21 if she was still here, Dad keeps track of her birthday. I celebrate/mourn with him. I didn't know her, and I won't know her, but she seems important to him, and from what I know she was a good person. She deserves a little love, even from a stranger. 

But this isn't the time to catch you up on my life after I was taken in by Tony Stark, my lovely father, this is the time to tell you just how much of a mess I'm in. 

I've been punched, shot at, thrown into various trees, and pissed off by multiple sokovian misogynistic words. This is a normal Tuesday as Hellfire, but that doesn't mean I'm not murderous. 



I snort, "Did you just say language, uncle Stevie?"

He ignores me, he doesn't like getting embarrassed in front of the team and I and dad make sure to do it as often as possible, "JARVIS, what's the view from up there?"

"The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield." JARVIS' voice rings in my ears, "Strucker's technology is well beyond any other HYDRA base we've taken."

I can hear more grunting over the comms, I'm probably also contributing to the noise. I raise my hands up, bringing them down a second later. The blue color wraps around the soldiers in front of me, grabbing them by the waist and bringing them crashing down. 

"Loki's scepter must be here!" Thor is fucking loud, "Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it. At long last!"

"This long last is fucking lasting too long!" I shout, groaning as more soldiers start shooting at me, "Can we wrap this the fuck up?"


I roll my eyes and I hear my father in my ear, "Is seriously no one going to deal with the fact that Cap is saying language?"


Everything is bruised. My face, my arms, my legs down to my internal organs. We got the stick we wanted, but Loki's scepter is still as daunting as it was in the photos I saw. Dad looked a little worried, he kept glancing at the stick every few minutes between piloting and checking up on Bruce. 

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