chapter twenty-two.

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❞Nice to meet you

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❞Nice to meet you.❞


HIS EYES OPENED, AND HIS ears rang with the sound of her laughter, he had spent 72 hours in total in this room craving to see her again and again. He only ever saw her during the end of each session, when the flower's haze was beginning to lift. He had investigated enough to know that the girl was someone he had loved before he had died.

Alexandra Stark, also known as Nightmare. And maybe she used to make his heart light up like the sun, but now all she did was anger him.

She hadn't done him wrong or anything, at least not while he had been alive. But while he had been dead she had let his killer go loose, she, his brother, and his father, Bruce, had all let that fucking joker go alive.

The woman came to him, with a small child by her side, "Your training is over, Jason."

He got up, towering over the woman. It had been six months of this, six months of training under her, and training with this flower. He had grown much taller, he was older now and he was bloodthirsty.


Talia looked up at him, "You will be leaving the League tomorrow, to avenge yourself... my father has decided on how you will be repaying his debt."

He was paying attention now, she continued, "You are to go back to Gotham and avenge yourself... once you are done you may continue to stay in Gotham and carry out the League's mission."

He recited it at once, "Rid this world of all criminals, by blood and bone."

Talia nodded appreciatively, "Yes. Good luck Jason."

And she walked away, the child lingered. Looking up at the tower of a man, once a boy. This child was 7 years old, and Jason had trained with him as well. At 7 he was better than Jason had been when he'd started training under Bruce at 11.

"What are you waiting for kiddo?"

He never got out of the habit of calling him kiddo. When he had arrived at the league's mountains this kid had been 6 years old and Jason had been tasked with keeping him occupied and basically babysitting him.

Jason was the only one who had been able to get close to the Al-Ghul heir.

And the Al-Ghul heir always hated being called kiddo, "Get out."

Jason laughed despite himself, ruffling the kid's hair. The kid glared at him, but Jason smiled, "Such heartfelt words, I never thought I'd hear them from you."

He never got to know this kid's name, he hadn't been allowed. He hadn't even been able to see the kid's face, he always wore a scarf over his mouth. Secrecy and whatnot.

The kid just glared and Jason smiled at him once again before he passed him by, "See you, kid."

Jason was almost out of the door before the kid spoke, in a really hushed tone, "Come back... if you want to."

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