Chapter 15

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It was the day of the December full moon. We still had half the week left of classes before Christmas break. I'd written to and receive letters from dad and his siblings all through the year and was happy that they were making such an effort to get to know me.

"See you in about an hour Remmy. I've gotta finish this up and then grab Lunar. I'll take the boys with me as well." I say to Remus. I give him a quick kiss and a hug before ushering him out the door. He rolls his eyes but leaves for the Willow anyways.

I quickly finish up my Charms essay and run up to my room to grab Lunar.

"Where are you going?" Lily asks curiously as she watches me start to leave.

"Just making sure Lunar got out today." I say with a smile. "Since she's half wolf she gets annoyed being cooped up all day on full moons."

"Cool. See you in a bit?" She asks grabbing a book to read.

"I might be back after you've fallen asleep." I say apologetically. "I need to talk to James about something."

"Alright see you in the morning." She says with a wave as Lunar and I leave. I say a quick goodbye before I shut the door. I meet with the rest of my boys in the common room and we head out.

The Professors all knew about my condition now and weren't surprised to see me leaving the castle. James, Sirius and Peter were under James' invisibility cloak but took it off as soon as we were away from prying eyes.

I stop in shock and horror when I see someone already at the Willow. "Sirius if that's who I think it is you better hope I spare you." I growl as I whip around to look at him. He looks just as shocked as me.

James takes off when Snape enters the Willow. He yells at Peter to transform and press the knot. When Peter gets the Willow to stop James wastes no time in jumping through. A couple of minutes later he drags a shocked Snape out of the tree.

"He still in there?" I ask worriedly as I run up to James. He gives me a slight nod and Lunar and I take of into the Willow. I transform on the way and quickly make it to the Shack.

I whine when I can sense that Remus is angry. I see plenty more scratches around the room. Lunar and I hesitantly make our way towards where Remus was hunched in on himself, breathing heavily. I spent the entire night trying to calm him down to no avail.


"I can't believe you Sirius!" Remus nearly yells as we come out of Dumbledore's office. Snape had told Dumbledore what had happened and we had all gotten a very harsh reprimanding. I was glaring at Sirius the entire time. I still was.

"I'm sorry, ok? How was I supposed to know that he would enter it on a full moon?" Sirius says furiously back. "I thought he would've went in on a normal day and saw there was nothing there and left us alone."

"I tried warning you but you wouldn't listen." I hiss at him. Remus rounds on me angrily.

"You were there? Why didn't you stop him?" He asks.

"I tried. Sirius wouldn't listen to me. I-" I'm cut off from explaining by Remus throwing his hands up in frustration. James and Peter are looking at us with worry as we fight.

"I don't care! You should've done something!" He says to me.

"If you'd let me ex-" I try again.

"No! Do you know what will happen if this gets out? I can't believe you two." Remus snaps. I glare at him and he seems taken aback by my reaction.

"Come find me when you're ready to hear my side of the story. Until then, leave me the fuck alone. That goes for you too Sirius." I snap before marching off. I ignore the calls of my name as I head to my dorm.

"Ally?" Lily asks hesitantly as she fixes her tie. "You ok?"

I shake my head as tears well up in my eyes. "Sirius did something tremendously stupid and I tried to stop him. I really did but he wouldn't listen and now Remus is mad at both of us. I-I think, I think I'm might have just broken up with him." I say through tears. Lily wraps me in a hug and I cry on her shoulder.

"I think you should stay here today. I'll tell the Professors that you weren't feeling well. Ok?" Lily mutter as she rubs my back. I nod in thanks and sit on the bed as she leaves for class. Lunar comes up and places her head on my lap.

"What am I going to do?" I ask her miserably. She looks up at me before grabbing a letter from my father. I furrow my brows but read it over and gain a shaky smile.

"You're a genius pup." I say as I pet her head. I quickly write a response to my dad, asking him to come to England for the holiday as I wouldn't be able to find a way to America this close to the holidays.

I actively avoid the rest of the Maraurders for the rest of the week. On the last day before Christmas Break I'd cornered James while he was alone.

"Are you ok?" He asks me quietly. I take a deep breath before shaking my head.

"No. No I'm not. I wanted to tell you that I'm not spending Christmas here like last year. Dad and his siblings are coming to England and I'm spending it with them." James looks sympathetic, hurt and confused all at once. "It not because of you, I just can't stay here. I'll be back in January. Just don't do anything too stupid." I say as I give him a hug. He squeezes me tightly before letting go.

"I'll see you in January then?" He asks sadly. I give him a sad smile as I nod. I kiss his cheek before leaving him to his business.


I step through the barrier at King's Cross and immediately engulf my dad in a hug when I see him.

"Missed you Princess." He mutters against my hair.

"I missed you too Daddy." I say. We quickly get to the house the Mikaelson's had bought for the Christmas. I roll my eyes at the extravagance of it.

"I'm so glad you decided to spend Christmas with us." Kol says with a mischievous smirk.

"So am I. By the way, took a few pages out of your book, let's just say the castle will be fearing what I'm going to next for the next year." I say with equal mischief. Kol grins and wraps his arm around me in a side hug.

"That's my niece." He says as the rest of his siblings roll their eyes at our antics. I smile at the family I had surrounding me before blinking in surprise and touching my chest. I look at my dad who looks back at me with a small smile.

"What happened?" Finn asks tilting his head.

"My pack bonds are back. They're connected to you guys." I whisper happily. I wrap my arms around my dad laughing. He hugs me back with equal enthusiasm.

"What do the bonds entail?" Elijah asks handing me a drink.

"I can feel how you are doing, I'll know if you're in serious danger and it'll help calm me down during full moons." I say with a smile. "Bonds ground the wolves to those around them."

"Do you feel them Nik?" Freya asks. He nods and takes a sip of his drink.

"I've been able to feel them since I first turned. It's why I'd do anything to protect you over the years." Dad admits making his siblings smile.

"This is going to be a good Christmas." I announce happily making my family laugh.

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