Chapter 13

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"I'm just saying McGonagall let's us away with more than you think." I say as the boys and I sit down for lunch. It had just passed Sirius' birthday and he had wanted to try and prank the entire castle again. This time we got caught during one of the many pranks we had played that day.

"I doubt it." James scoffs before starting to stare at Lily. I roll my eyes fondly before leaning slightly into Remus.

"Mail day." Peter announces looking up. I don't bother as I'm not expecting anything but find myself pleasantly surprised when a bundle of letters lands in front of me.

I pick them up and untie the twine from around them. I don't recognise some of the handwriting but know who sent them immediately when I turn them around to see the seal.

"Got any secret admirers you forgot to mention?" Sirius asks jokingly as he looks at the six letters in my hands. His comment makes Remus look up from the paper he was reading.


"Jealous are we?" I say smirking. He gives me a look which makes me give him a small kiss. "No actually. Only admirers I have are Remus, Lunar and myself. These are from my dad, aunts and uncles."

"Dad sent you a letter?" James asks confused, obviously having kept only one ear on the conversation.

"No. Our dad didn't send me a letter, my dad in America sent me a letter." I say slowly. Sirius, Remus and Peter laugh at James' confused expression.

"Ok." He says simply before going back to openly staring at Lily.

I decide to open one of them now and the rest later in case they were filled with something important. I decide to go with Uncle Finn's as he was the most likely to tell me if something has happened.

'Dear Ally,

Everyone misses you dearly. The Abbatoir isn't the same without your presence. Klaus has been moping since you left, but I can't blame him as I'll admit I moped a bit too at your departure.

Nothing major has happened here other than the fact that the witches and the werewolves have tried to start another war. It was quickly shut down by your father and the rest of our siblings. I doubt anyone will be trying that again while we're around.

Your fathers protégé, Marcel Gerard, has returned from his escapade to New York. Since Klaus adopted him some time back he is technically your brother. He has noticed the changes that your presence has made in your father but hasn't asked about it yet. I do think your father hopes for the two of you to meet next summer. So that he can have both his children together.

Send any news as I'm sure you have many stories to tell already.

Yours truly, Uncle Finn. F.M'

"Anything interesting?" James asks trying to peek at and read the letter.

"Not really." I say, folding the letter quickly so that he doesn't see the part about the war declaration. "I might have another brother that my dad adopted which could be good."

"Could be?" Peter asks curiously.

"It depends with that family. They're very... volatile at times. Quick to anger, slow to calm. But they are my family and I love them." I explain briefly smiling.

"Hope for the best but prepare for the worst then." Remus advises. I give him a quick kiss in thanks and shove the rest of the letters into my bag.

"Thanks Rem." I say.


Sirius and I were outside, lounging about as we waited for Remus, James and Peter. We had gotten out of our last class early because a girl Sirius had snogged hexed him in the middle of class and I had to bring him to Madam Pomfrey. Funnily enough she had fired two hexes and one had ended up hitting Snape, so he too was sent to Pomfrey with us.

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