Chapter 33

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When someone spots the stampede of Death Eaters coming across the main bridge with Voldy in the lead, everyone rushes outside.

"Harry Potter is dead!" Voldy announces laughing maniacally.

"No!" Lily screams as James holds her back.

"It is time to put your faith in me." Voldy says as he taunts us. He makes Draco come to his side but I see him and his parents head away from the castle behind Voldy's back.

"Anyone else?" Voldy asks. I see Hagrid holding Harry's body and I step forward. Shooting my friends a reassuring look when they look at me worriedly. They nod when I flick my gaze over to Harry and point to my ears, 'Not dead' I mouth to them which makes Lily slump against James in relief.

"Miss me?" I smirk when Voldy sees me and takes a step back in surprise.

"You're supposed to be dead." Voldy says pointing his wand at me. I 'tsk' at him and shake my head disappointed.

"The amount of times I've heard that. And here I thought you'd be more original." I say with a fake pout.

"You died!" He hisses at me making me smirk.

"Yeah I did." I say which confuses a lot of people. "Does anyone know what really transpired that night?" Voldy stays quiet so I continue. "I do believee you disarmed me after, what? Four maybe five hours? Then you killed me after another two. My father wasn't very happy about that."

"He's not here to avenge you this time!" Voldy says raising his wand.

"I don't need to hide behind people unlike you." I snap back. I smirk at him again. "How does it feel to have died at the hands of someone who doesn't possess any magic? My father may be powerful but he does not have a speck of magic in him."

I hear whispers come from both sides after my revelation. Voldy snarls at me making me scrunch my nose up at him in disgust. "You should really brush your teeth Baldy-Shorts."

"Hey that's my nickname!" I hear Damon call from behind me.

"You're ruining my dramatic moment!" I complain to him. Everyone looks on in shock, worry, awe and confusion. I smirk when I feel my dad blur up to my side. Voldy's eyes widen a bit in fear

"And here I thought ripping your heart out would make you stay dead." Dad say smiling so his fangs were on display.

"No." Voldy mutters as he looks at my family, pack and friends who gather around me.

"I'll have you know that you've been wrong on more accounts than just my death." I say stepping forwards again.

"How so?" Voldy spits.

"First, you assume we need Harry to defeat you, and while he has been our beacon, we've already learned the way home." I say stepping forwards again. "Second, you should really check for a pulse next time."

With that said Harry drops from Hagrid's arms as I swing a punch at Voldy's face. I blur back to my friends once my hand had connected and nod proudly when Voldy falls over. Harry fires a spell at the snake before running off when Voldy fires some spells at him.

Some of the cowards run away like the Malfoy's had but those that stay start firing spells at us again.

"We need to kill the snake." Harry says to everyone.

"You'll be needing this then." Hermione says handing him a giant ass fang.

"Thanks for showing up." I say to dad as I give him a quick hug.

"Always and Forever right?" Rebekah says giving me a smile. I grin back at her before turning to my pack.

"Protect the castle and the students. Bring the wounded here. Those of you that know any kind of first aid stay here and help patch up the injured. The rest kill or at least knock out the douches in black robes." I command.

"Yes, Alpha!" They all say. They nod before splitting up and following my orders.

"That goes for you too." I say smirking at my family. "Leave Voldy to Harry."

"Still can't believe you called him Baldy-Shorts to his face." Sirius laughs before running off with James, Lily and Remus to help the students. My family blur around, helping where needed and killing Death Eaters. I ended up passing my wand to Luna when she got hers snapped by a Death Eater.

"Not my daughter you bitch!" I hear Molly screech as I pass. I stay long enough to see Bellatrix blow up like a confetti canon.

"I'm so glad you invited us." Kol says as he runs up beside me. He's got a mischievous smirk on his face as he plunges his hand into a Death Eaters chest and rips out his heart.

"I didn't invite you, you just came along for the ride!" I call as he runs off. I shake my head as I hear him laughing at me.

I blur around the castle in search of Remus but find Harry dragging Voldy off of a ledge to swan dive.

"Oh, you are so getting a stern talking to about that." I mutter to myself before killing another Death Eater who tried to sneak up on me. I finally find Remus a couple minutes later. He's standing off against four Death Eaters, a dozen kids behind him as he stands protectively in front of him.

I shake my head at him, cursing myself for finding it hot, before helping him out. I use my magic to fling a couple of them away as Remus disarms the third. I jump in front of the kids and take the killing curse meant for one of them. They all gasp in shock at my arrival and then again when I don't die.

"Cover your eyes kids, don't want you seeing this next part." I say to them. They all cover their eyes and huddle closer together as I growl and let my vamp face show. I rip the throat out of one of the Death Eaters before snapping the neck of another. Remus deals with the two I'd knocked out before handing me and handkerchief. I wipe away the blood from my mouth and chin before giving him a kiss.

"Don't ever jump in front of a killing curse again." Remus say before kissing me again, more forcefully.

"Couldn't have said that the first time?" I say and grin when he lets out an exasperated sigh. "Get them out of here." I say nodding to the kids before blurring off. I debate tackling the snake when I see it strike at Ron and Hermione but don't when I see Neville slice through it with a sword. Where he got it? I'll never know.

I blur around, killing any straggling Death Eaters before colliding with Stefan.

"Jesus that hurt more than the killing curse." I complain as I rub my head. "What? Are you made of bricks and forgot to tell us?"

Stefan laughs before helping me off the ground. "Where's the rest?" He asks.

"Fluttering around. Dad and Kol are having fun at least." I say and smirk when he shudders. "Don't worry I'll have Elijah and Finn rein them back in after this is done."

"Stay safe!" Stefan yells over his shoulder as he blurs off. I roll my eyes before blurring and finding James and Sirius protecting an injured Lily and a couple of injured students.

I quickly help them out before helping them bring the wounded to the Great Hall. "Still so unfair." James pouts when I easily lift one of the kids off the ground. Lily laughs at his pouting before standing. She'd gotten a pretty bad cut on her leg which was bleeding profusely.

I bite my wrist and offer it to her. "You look like you need it." I say when she starts going paler by the second. She nods and swallows a mouthful before cringing at the taste. My wrist heals up and I blur down to the Great Hall with the kid I had. I leave them with Zada who gives me a once over before sending me on my way.

After killing or capturing the rest of the Death Eaters, we could all breath a sigh of relief. We'd done it. We'd survived. Of course there were many causalities, but that was war.

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