Chapter Twenty Three

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Taehyung woke up when the sun beams hit his eyes and made him realize that it was probably too late for a king to wake up. When he opened his eyes, he was surprised to notice that he was alone under the blanket and, at a closer look, Taehyung realized there was no one in the room at all. Frowning, he put on a robe and got up from the bed, wondering why Jeongguk wasn't next to him since the man never left his side at all.

The door was locked, a detail that made him panic inside for a few seconds as he tried to open it again and again with no result. Did something happen?

"Jeongguk?" Taehyung whispered, his hand lightly knocking on the door.

It seemed that his voice was heard because the door was unlocked from outside and then opened. However, it was not Jeongguk the one that opened the door, but Seokjin.

"King Taehyung," The other said, bowing his head in front of Taehyung as he stepped into the room. For a few seconds Taehyung was surprised by his action but he realized afterwards that he was now the king of those lands, which offered him great authority. "I see you have woken up."

Not wanting to avoid the subject any longer, Taehyung Ben this arms over his chest. "Where is Jeongguk?"

"Jeongguk asked me to watch you for a few hours while him and Jimin interrogate General Lee and think about the upcoming events. He asked me to send a messenger once you woke up so he should be here any second now."

"Thank you." Taehyung flashed the other a smile, watching as Seokjin walked outside and closed the door.

Realizing the state he was in, Taehyung walked towards his dressing and took out some clothes. He desperately needed a bath as well so, after he laid the clothes on the bed, he walked inside the bathroom and started the water, undressing in the meantime. He poured some oils in the warm water, then let his body soak in it.

He probably got too lost in his own thoughts or maybe even fell asleep for a few seconds because the sudden voice calling for his name made his heartbeat pick up incredibly fast.


The door opened and a pale Jeongguk walked in, his eyes wide as he searched the room for him. When their eyes met, Jeongguk visibly exhaled.

"Taehyung," he repeated as he walked closer, "don't ever scare me like that again."

"You get scared too easily for a man with such power in his hands." The King mumbled as he lowered his body back into the water.

Jeongguk didn't answer but Taehyung could hear his steps behind him and, soon enough, just as expected, his lover's hands were on his shoulders and Jeongguk was bending down to press his lips on Taehyung's forehead.

"You have to attend a meeting with your ear generals today. And you have to check the profits of our trades from this month. And you certainly have to lower the taxes and make sure that everyone has enough food to survive because General Lee didn't care about your people at all. And, at last, you have to condone a meeting with a representative from my kingdom. For that you'll have to send a messenger."

After finishing his long, long, list of things Taehyung had to do, Jeongguk chuckled at the sigh the King let fall out.

"You do know one's royal tasks well, King Jeongguk." Taehyung mumbled, turning around so that he could watch Jeongguk's expression better.

The other was smiling, genuinely smiling.

"I grew up around you so I went to all of your meetings and lessons."

That was indeed true and Taehyung was sure that everything Jeongguk's learnt next to him would be useful in the future since the other would have his own kingdom to rule someday. Suddenly remembering that, Taehyung made eye contact with his lover, then frowned.

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