Chapter Six

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After the short but tempered collision his Shadow had with Jimin, Taehyung made sure to walk to his room in order to let the other calm down. He could sense the other's fury even as he trailed behind him but he didn't know what has caused it and he'd probably never find out since his caim couldn't talk to him. Once they've reached his room, the man closed the door behind them and Taehyung let himself drop on the bed before untying his mask himself and setting it on the mattress.

"What was that? You both made a scene in front of tens of people, you know that?"

He was trying to sound and look intimidating as he talked but something, a glimmer, in the man's eyes made him realize that he probably looked like a teenager that was throwing a tantrum.

Sighing, Taehyng let himself fall on the mattress completely, his eyes being met with the ceiling above them. "I really am wondering what's going through your mind right now. I feel like you're mocking me inside your head to be honest."

He knew that the other was still there so Taehyung didn't even try to move his body from his comfortable position. He felt shivers running down his arms when a breeze of cold air entered the room from the window. Taehyung raised his head, noticing that his Shadow was already next the bed, his faster hands taking the mask and putting it on his face before he moved towards the window and closed it, proceeding to inspect the bathroom, floor, dressing room and everything else that was largee enough to be a hiding place. When he found nothing Taehyung let the mask fall on the bed before he curled on his side amd sighed. His eyes drifted towards the man that was standing next to the bed, the other watching him as well with the same intense stare.

"Is Jimin's presence bothering you?" Taehyung asked, wanting to see if his intuitions were right this time.

The man showed no reaction but Taehyung noticed the way his eyebrows flicked softly, like he was trying to stop himself from frowning. Smiling, Taehyung turned on his other side, being content with the fact that he was able to read his Shadow, even if just a tiny part of him.

"If it brothers you," he mumbled as he played with the strings of his pillow, "I will keep my distance from him. You're my Shadow and you're enough. I don't need his protection as well."

Taehyung heard shuffling behind him, something his Shadow allowed him to hear because the man could be deadly silent whenever he wanted to. He made sure to move loudly whenever they were alone so that Taehyung wouldn't get scared of his fast movements. In a few seconds the man was standing in front of Taehyung again and, to the prince's surprise, he crouched so that their eyes were leveled, Taehyung's hazel ones staring into those bloodshot irises that seemed to pierce straight to his soul. His Shadow tilted his head to the side, blinking once, and Taehyung chuckled.

"We should create our own language. I think whenever you tilt your head like that you're either actually making fun of me or pleased with something." He mumbled, putting his hand under his cheek so he could raise his head a little bit. The smirk never left his lips as he stared at the man and, even if he knew it wasn't normal to do so, Taehyung still traces his other hand down the cloth that was covering the other's mouth. "Are you pleased that I told you I'll keep my distance from Jimin? Or are you making fun of me for it?"

Slowly, but surely, like he wanted to make himself clear, the man nodded as the first question ended. Taehyung's fingers curled around a strand of black hair before the prince retreated them, smiling towards the man again. "Good. You're not allowed to make fun of me. Maybe sometimes."

Instead of getting up to leave his side like he was expecting him to, his Shadow only moved slightly so that he could sit on the mattress, something he never did, not unless Taehyung was asleep and unaware of his actions. The said prince looked at him with wide eyes, sitting so that they were now on eye level.

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