Legacy of The Shadows

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I've never been so excited to start a new book omg

After the wars around them had begun and the threats of getting their territories taken by their adversaries arose, the Royal Family of the Eastern nations concluded that they had to protect themselves and their ancestry.

The first King of the Eastern nations came across a very powerful household of mercenaries that were recognized in the whole world for their lethality and unprecedented power, both mentally and physically. He made a treaty with the head of the household, promising them territories and fortune as long as they served his heirs, as long as they kept them alive.

For a couple of years, the household of mercenaries did their best to keep the royal family alive but, during a dark era in the Royal palace, a coup d'état occurred and the King's wife was assassinated in their room by a trained assassin that was never found. Letting his wrath take control of his sanity, the King cursed the household of mercenaries to an eternity of silence for not being able to keep their promise. He established the treaty of their legacy which declared that every offspring that was to be born in that household had to be bound to the life of a Royal child so, if the Royal child died, the mercenary tied to him should die as well.

After many years, the legacy continuing without any misfortunes, the mercenaries earned themselves the title of Shadows. Each royal individual had one Shadow assigned to them from birth and, as the curse of the First King mentioned, they were never allowed to speak, nor rest. While the royalties played, the Shadows trained and, the more important the Royal child was, the more powerful their Shadow had to be.

The power level of the Shadows and their abilities were exhibited by specific marks on their bodies. Being born pure meant that they had to taint themselves to keep their fated ones alive so the more red painting marks they had, the more powerful they were. Starting from their ankles, the most vulnerable points of their bodies, to their eyes, the dominant parts, the marks were a sign of power. Those that owned paintings on their faces were few, being the strongest warriors to have ever walked those lands and rare, only one Shadow in a few years being able to gain the title of Shadow Ruler — a Shadow whose strength was characterized by the red painting marks on their face.

Those lands got safer over the years due to the legacy of the First King but threats were always cornering them so there was no time for rest. When everything was the most peaceful, catastrophe struck and history repeated itself.

Only, this time, the King was the one that got slaughtered, leaving his one and only child as his only heir, putting him under enormous threat. Being the only son of the King, he was targeted by many that wanted to take the throne but the child had been born particularly fortunate.

His Shadow was not a simple warrior. The Prince's Shadow was the only person that had earned the title of Shadow Ruler at only 16 years old, making him create history for himself in the whole world to protect his fated one.

After years of threats, no one eventually dared to touch the Prince because he was never alone.

There was always a hooded man with red painting marks on his face and bloodshot eyes trailing behind him, ready to get his hands dirty at any moment if anyone tried to harm his fated one.

He was his Shadow and, as his legacy said, he never spoke.

Because if a Shadow ever did so, they had to be executed in front of their fated Royal child, that being the most unbearable punishment of the Shadow ancestry.

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