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Taehyung stared ahead, at the scenery in front of him, and a smile spread on his face at the sight he was so used to seeing but that amazed him every time he did. The lands in front of him were so beautiful, full of cheerful voices and joyful faces, that only the sight of that image made warmth spread through his whole body.

"What are you doing?" A voice he knew so well echoed behind him and, soon enough, a pair of strong arms circled around his waist as he leaned on the edge of the balcony.

He could never be afraid, not as long as Jeongguk was next to him, always holding him close and making sure that he was safe.

Turning around so that he could kiss the other's lips, Taehyung smiled, then put his own arms around Jeongguk's neck. "Watching the people enjoy the festival."

A smile appeared on Jeongguk face as well, the other leaning so that he could see the crowded streets as well. "You meant, our people?" He jokingly asked, his question making Taehyung chuckle as the King nodded.

It's been three years full of hardships and issues but they somehow managed to pass them all, together. Not everyone wanted to accept the alliance of two powerful kingdoms and not everyone wanted to accept the news that the two kings were not going to have heirs or marriages with other princesses because they were fated to each other. However, even if some did not accept, the people of their lands did. Taehyung and Jeongguk made sure that everyone had plenty of food and anything else they needed as soon as the alliance was accepted so, soon after Jeongguk stepped on the throne as well and was announced as the king of that empire, their lands became joyful and full of life again. Their actions weren't forgotten by their people who, after finding out about the news and about the relationship between their kings, didn't care that much and only showed them support and love.

"Yes, our people." Taehyung finally answered, allowing himself to be swept away by the beauty of the man in front of him.

Without his red marks and his long, curly hair, Jeongguk looked younger, more innocent. However, everyone knew his past and how much strength he possessed so no one ever dared to challenge him.

No one besides Jimin and Hoseok who, from time to time, visited them and challenged the other so that, quoting, he won't become too rusty.

Needless to say, Jeongguk always won, which proved that he could've been king of shadows as well if he truly wanted to, something he never did.

"We should go check on the others."

Taehyung nodded after hearing his lover's words, then followed him out the door and towards the throne room with small steps. He could already hear the loud voices coming from inside, courtesy of the small even they have planned for Taehyung's birthday celebration.

When Jeongguk pushed the large doors open, golden light fell onto both of them from all the lit candles inside the room and, along with those, many pair of eyes were averted towards them.

"Finally." Jimin complained as he playfully rolled his eyes, making Taehyung laugh and Jeongguk throw daggers with his eyes at him. "I thought you were gonna bail on us again."

"I would never."

"You already did. Twice, Taehyung." His mother was the one to speak, making him blush awkwardly as he turned to stare at Jeongguk, who simply moved his shoulders.

When Taehyung turned back around, he stopped breathing for a few seconds as he tried to memorize the sight in front of him. Jimin and Jeongguk were bickering over something, Hoseok watching them from his own chair with playful eyes, while Yoongi, Seokjin and Namjoon tried to make the little angel in Taehyung's mother's arms laugh. It was a sight he wish he would never forget, the sight of his family gathered together in one place.

With eyes full of sadness, Taehyung looked at the large painting on the fall that displayed an image of his and Jeongguk's parents together with him and his lover being held by their mother's. His eyes drifted towards Jeongguk's parents first and, for a few seconds, he smiled, thanking them for blessing him with their son.

Then, his eyes stopped on the image of his father, who had a large smile on his face, the same crown that was now sitting on Taehyung's head being worn by the man.

Smiling, Taehyung closed his eyes for a few seconds and, as he recalled his love for him, he felt a pair of arms sneak around his waist.

"They would be proud of us." Jeongguk mumbled, his voice softer than usual due to how emotional he felt every time he saw that paining.

Taehyung simply smiled. "I know."

They walked towards his mother afterwards and Taehyung watched as Jeongguk took the little boy in her arms in his own strong ones, making the baby laugh with all his chest as he watched his father.

It was a baby whose mother has died due to an incurable illness and, even if they didn't feel ready, him and Jeongguk got attached to the angel from the first moment they saw him in the nursery.

"Little one," Jeongguk's voice echoed as he rocked the baby in his arms, the angel's eyes sparkling as he looked at him. He raised his little hand, trying to reach the crown on Jeongguk's head, a gesture that made them all coo. "it will be yours one day but, until then, you have to grow up big and healthy. And you also have to be able to punch me in order to get a crown. You have to be strong in order to protect our empire, alright?"

Taehyung shook his head at his lover's words but walked towards them both nonetheless, leaning in to kiss the little baby in his arms before he looked into Jeongguk's eyes, the other watching him as well.

A smile appeared on the former warrior's face and, even if Taehyung knew what was coming, he couldn't stop his heartbeat from picking up its pace.

"I am no longer silent," Jeongguk recited, his eyes never once leaving Taehyung's. "but no words could ever describe my feelings for you so, until the end of time, I will cherish you,"

He stopped and Taehyung, with that same smile on his face, continued. "and I will show you the light, and I will guide you through the dark until no more Shadows could reach us besides our own."

The End.


Well, it has ended.

Obticeō was a book that suddenly became dear to me after a few chapters and I hope you all enjoyed this messy plot and the messy story line as much as I did.

I hope that I will, one day, be able to publish it as a whole series but until then, may we meet each other on my other works.

I really hope you liked this book so, even if you did or not, make sure to tell me your opinions in the comments.

Thank you for reading!

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