Chapter Three

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Word spread fast in the castle so, when his mother heard about Rhea's attempt to reveal his identity, she went feral. She insisted they have a meeting with all the workers and the Royal family, even his cousin attending it. Taehyung was seated on his designated throne, next to his mother's, while his Shadow was walking back and forth behind their backs, analyzing, being attentive.

Taehyung's mother was mad. It could be seen from the way her perfectly shaped brows frowned as she looked upon their workers. She was mad and Taehyung understood her but, if Rhea was dumb enough to let herself corrupted, that didn't mean that every worker in the castle was the same. They still had to take measures and make sure that no one was a spy there even if Taehyung wasn't sure how they were going to do it.

"Mom, I think you are overreacting over this matter. I am totally fine and no one was hurt so why would you voluntarily choose to interrogate everyone? It's not their fault." Taehyung whispered, trying to make himself smaller under the eyes of the workers that probably blamed his weakness for putting their lives and jobs in dangers.

They had families to provide for and Taehyung certainly didn't want to take away their only income.

"We will not hurt anyone, Taehyung, but we have to find out if there's a spy among them or if it was an order that came from outside the castle."

"And how are you going to find out?" He asked, knowing that finding the truth from a criminal wasn't an easy task. Rhea was currently being interrogated by his mom's own Shadow at the same moment while Jeongguk made sure to guard them both.

"She isn't the one that will find out, Prince Taehyung."

Taehyung turned towards his cousin, who had his own throne seated next to his, his eyes sparkling as he smiled towards him. He has just arrived that morning and was probably exhausting from the trip but Taehyung's mother had insisted that he took part of the interrogation.

"Then who will lead the questioning?"

Min Yoongi smiled before tilting his head towards the wall behind them, motioning for Taehyung to turn his own head towards the man that was leaning on the wall, watching them. "My Shadow will. He is, at last, the King of the Shadows. There's no one more suited for this than him."

Taehyung knew the boy, he's seen him around a lot, ever since they were kids, but there was something strange about him. Yoongi's fated shadow, unfortunately, died at the age of 7 because of an illness so they had to tie him to another boy, the one that was currently walking towards them. Taehyung knew the stories about him, the stories about the man with crescent shaped eyes and chestnut hair, the man that looked like a prince himself but was actually a cold blooded killer. To become a Shadow Ruler, like his own was, their marks had to reach their eyes. But Yoongi's Shadow wasn't a Shadow Ruler anymore, hasn't been for a few years. He was the King of the Shadows and the marks on his face weren't red anymore.

They were completely black.

"He has the ability to understand when someone lies to him so he will question every person in the castle for the following days, as your mother has asked." Yoongi mumbled, flashing Taehyung a small smile before turning towards the man next to him.

He was so beautiful that Taehyung felt himself wanting to stand up and let him take his throne. The said King, after listening to Yoongi's words, raised his head towards Taehyung and, when their eyes met, the Prince felt a strange feeling. He felt like he knew those eyes from somewhere.

"Prince Taehyung, it is an honor to be able to serve you." The man said, his voice soft, unlike the weapons tied to his body and the marks on his face. Taehyung was aware that being the King of the Shadows meant he had to communicate with others in order to maintain the balance but he was still so shocked to hear a Shadow talk for the first time in his life.

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