𝑆𝑤𝑖𝑡𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑏𝑜𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑚 - 𝐻𝑦𝑢𝑛𝑔 𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑒

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Requested by AttackedJeongin

POV: You switch bodies

Bang Chan:

- Literally so excited - Respectful of your wishes- Pretty much refuses to use the bathroom or get changed

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- Literally so excited
- Respectful of your wishes
- Pretty much refuses to use the bathroom or get changed..
- Goes to your classes for the day, does surprisingly well
- You forget to tell him you had an exam that day, so he's a little stressed out..
- "Y/n, take your seat. The exam starts soon."
- Chan's just kind of stood in the doorway looking a little confused
- He's a little frustrated that you didn't warn him about your exam, but he gets himself out of the situation... but, as he does so, he also embarrasses you
- "Can I go to the nurse's office?" he holds his hand against his (well, your) stomach and slightly falls forward as if he's sick, "my cramps are really bad-"
- "Go ahead," the professor's quick to respond and turns away as he leaves the room
- Almost every student in the class is staring at him.. and now you're going to have to deal with that

Lee Minho:

- "I wonder if Y/n has cats

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- "I wonder if Y/n has cats..."
- Searches around your house but realises you don't actually own any pets
- "Well, now she's getting one."
- Minho never thinks so, obviously, he was going to buy you a cat without permission or consent
- Since you're in Minho's body, you decide to go and see him a little later at your home
- "Minho, how was tod-"
- You looked down at the floor to see a cat curling up to your legs
- "Minho," you stare blankly, looking up at him with a raised brow, "why is there a cat in my house?"
- "Um, because you didn't have one?" he scoffed, "do I have to do everything for you?"
- "I don't have a cat because I'm allergic..." you struggled to get away from the cat constantly wrapping itself around your feet, it was a little nerve-racking
- "Perfect. I guess I'll have four cats instead of three!"
- "So you spent my money on yourself?" you raised your brow
- "I'll think of it as an early birthday present!"

Seo Changbin:

- Immediately takes a look in the mirror with a grin on his face- "This is tall for a girl

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- Immediately takes a look in the mirror with a grin on his face
- "This is tall for a girl..."
- He's a little shocked by how tall you are
- Even though you're practically the same height as him, he feels tall because he's in a female's body
- Finally gets to feel tall
- Already excited to go to your classes so he can show off his height (not that anyone would actually notice)
- He completely forgot that everyone thought he was Y/n, they wouldn't believe it if he said he was Changbin, so his confidence just disappeared
- "Wow, look at you," you sniggered, turning the corner to greet him, "you're tall!"
- "And you're short!"
- "Technically, I'm not short, I'm still a girl behind this body," you winked, "enjoy it as much as you can. You won't be tall for long."
- Spends the entire day making fun of your height
- He's having too much fun at this point

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