𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑔𝑔𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑜 𝑒𝑎𝑡 - 𝑀𝑎𝑘𝑛𝑎𝑒 𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑒

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A/N: I don't know a lot about eating disorders, i've done some research but I still don't fully understand certain issues and problems people have with an eating disorder - therefore, I won't be referring to any specific disorder, neither will I be referring to specific symptoms people may get. I don't want my readers to assume I understand the severity of such disorders, this request will simply just be 'struggling to eat'.

Requested by LucilleTetsurou

POV: You struggle to eat so they help you

Hwang Hyunjin:

- He knows you struggle with eating quite a lot- He doesn't keep pushing you, he knows you don't like being pushed so he lets you take your time with it- He calls often while he's working to make sure you're eating when he's not home - Hyunjin eve...

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- He knows you struggle with eating quite a lot
- He doesn't keep pushing you, he knows you don't like being pushed so he lets you take your time with it
- He calls often while he's working to make sure you're eating when he's not home
- Hyunjin even cooks for you the night before and freezes the meals so he knows you have food for the next day
- If you're having a bad day, he knows immediately and spends the day with you so he can make you feel a little better about eating
- He doesn't like seeing you not eat, so he always tries to get you to eat even small snacks
- If he makes you a meal, he doesn't expect you to eat all of it, he just wants you to try your best and eat as much as you want until you feel full enough
- Sometimes you finish your entire meal, sometimes you only eat a little, but he's okay with either
- He's always proud when you've eaten something even if it's little, because he knows you're doing well and passing milestones

Han Jisung:

- When he finds out you're not eating a lot, he's obviously concerned- He doesn't like to show it a lot because you'd feel guilty if he was upset you weren't eating- "It's okay, don't worry," he smiled, kissing your forehead, "we'll get through it...

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- When he finds out you're not eating a lot, he's obviously concerned
- He doesn't like to show it a lot because you'd feel guilty if he was upset you weren't eating
- "It's okay, don't worry," he smiled, kissing your forehead, "we'll get through it together."
- He wasn't going to force you to eat anything, but he'd definitely try to encourage you to eat
- Even if they were just small snacks, he was pleased you ate something at least
- If you went out for a meal, you'd try to finish the entire plate even if it was hard, you felt embarrassed to only eat a little, especially when Jisung paid for it.. you didn't want him to spend that money for nothing

Yang Jeongin:

- He's never mean about it, he's understanding about your situation- He tries to help in understanding and educates himself with the problems you're having with eating - He communicates with you about how important it is to make sure you're eating...

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- He's never mean about it, he's understanding about your situation
- He tries to help in understanding and educates himself with the problems you're having with eating
- He communicates with you about how important it is to make sure you're eating enough
- He feels bad when you watch him eat, he knows you don't want to eat but he still wants to see you eating even a little
- He calls and texts constantly, asking what you're having for lunch and asking you to take photos of your food (mainly to prove that you're actually eating something)
- Usually if you finish your plate three times a day, he offers to take you out
- But, even if you didn't finish your plate, he still takes you out for a treat because he knows how hard you tried

Lee Felix:

- Felix liked to cook a lot so you were never hungry - He was constantly cooking and handing you food to eat, you were like his guinea pig to test his recipes- He'd noticed you were never really keen to try any of his new recipes - "Hm?" he frowne...

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- Felix liked to cook a lot so you were never hungry
- He was constantly cooking and handing you food to eat, you were like his guinea pig to test his recipes
- He'd noticed you were never really keen to try any of his new recipes
- "Hm?" he frowned as you refused the plate he handed you, "is my cooking going bad?"
- Felix had started to think you'd suddenly gone off his cooking, or perhaps you were sick
- When he finally asked, you admitted to not liking the idea of eating so much
- There was no reason, and you didn't know what was triggering it, but eating made you bored, and you were fed up of it
- He didn't exactly understand what you were going through, but he tried his best to help you as much as he could
- He thought you should start off with eating smaller meals so you can build back up to your original appetite, and it worked after a lot of hard work
- He just had to make sure you were eating every meal, he made new food for you to try so you wouldn't be bored eating, too

Kim Seungmin:

- Seungmin was always too busy working to even notice you hadn't been eating- It was even worse that he hadn't noticed how much weight you'd lost - When he finally had the time to notice, he felt guilty- "How long has this been going on for?" - Wh...

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- Seungmin was always too busy working to even notice you hadn't been eating
- It was even worse that he hadn't noticed how much weight you'd lost
- When he finally had the time to notice, he felt guilty
- "How long has this been going on for?"
- When you finally explained to him, he felt even worse because he ignored it completely and wasn't aware of what was going on
- Now that he understood what you were going through, he started to focus on you rather than his work
- He spent a lot more time at home with you rather than working overtime during nights etc
- You were pleased that he was helping you and taking care of you through this rough time
- What encouraged you the most was the way his face lit up every time you ate, he was so happy you were doing a little better so you started eating a little more to put a smile on his face

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