𝐵𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑐𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑠𝑦 - 𝐻𝑦𝑢𝑛𝑔 𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑒

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Requested by bunnygirl_blue

POV: When you're clumsy

Bang Chan:

- The two of you are getting ready to go out on a date- "Y/n, we're going to be late for our reservation

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- The two of you are getting ready to go out on a date
- "Y/n, we're going to be late for our reservation. What's taking so long?" Chan huffs in frustration, waiting for you to finally be ready
- In all fairness, he gave you plenty of notice, you knew about the reservation a month ago when Chan booked it
- "I have too many shoes, I can't decide!"
- "You only need one pair!" Chan shouts back at you
- "That's the problem!" you cry
- You'd finally chosen a pair of shoes you wanted to wear for your date night, you decided to wear a pair of heels you'd never worn
- In fact, you'd never worn heels at all, tonight was your first time wearing them
- You slid them onto your feet, tightening the straps, but you struggled to walk at first
- Instead of calmly walking out the room, you grabbed your bag and ran straight towards the door
- Of course, running for the first time in heels wasn't a great idea seeing as you could barely even walk in them
- You feel your foot slip and you lose balance completely
- Chan's eyes were on you, watching your face fall as you realise there's no way to stop yourself from falling
- He looks concerned, but time moves slowly before you fall flat on your face
- Your bag swings from your hand and lands right on top of you, smashing your face into the floor once more
- "Y/n!" Chan rushes to your side urgently, but as he leans down to lend you a hand he cracks up laughing
- He even falls to the floor himself, he couldn't believe your idiocy and just burst out with laughter
- "I'm sorry," he apologises, trying to stop himself from laughing, "I-" as he begins to apologise again, he falls back down and covers his face, practically spitting out his laughter
- You glance up at him with a blank expression
- He clears his throat and lends you a hand but you quickly slap it away, pulling yourself to a stand
- You brush down your dress and grab your bag that had now fallen to the floor
- Straightening out your hair, you clear your throat and begin walking to the door with a limp, "let's go."
- The pure embarrassment you felt from that moment was unbearable

Lee Minho:

- You'd just finished taking a shower and wrapped a towel around yourself to cover up- You were ready to leave the bathroom but had a sudden idea- Minho was waiting outside in the bedroom for you, so you took this chance to try to be sexy for him-...

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- You'd just finished taking a shower and wrapped a towel around yourself to cover up
- You were ready to leave the bathroom but had a sudden idea
- Minho was waiting outside in the bedroom for you, so you took this chance to try to be sexy for him
- "Showtime," you grinned to yourself in the mirror
- You strutted out, not realising how your feet were still soaking wet
- You slipped on the wooden floor slightly but managed to catch your balance, stopping yourself from falling over
- Minho sniggered for a moment but decided to continue watching the show from a short distance
- He looked at you with a raised brow, wondering what your next move would be
- You held back your laugh and smirked at him, continuing to strut over, one foot over the other
- In the corner of your eye, you see Dori sneaking up to you, tangling herself between your feet
- "Hey-" you yelp as Dori trips you up with her small body
- Your towel unravels as you fall to the floor, arms and legs sprawled out like a starfish
- Rather than getting up and continuing, you lay there helpless and unmotivated
- Minho crawls around on the bed, trying to catch his breath as he effortlessly laughs at you
- "Shut up," you grunt under your breath as he continues to laugh, clapping his hands in amusement
- Dori continues sniffing around you, and soon enough all three of Minho's cats start chewing your naked body, clawing at your hair and leaving teeth marks on your skin
- "I'm not dead," you sigh

Seo Changbin:

- You'd just gotten your driving licence and Changbin had bought you a car as a gift for passing, so you decided to take him out for a drive- "Are you confident?" he buckles himself in, tightly- "I had 40 hours of lessons

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- You'd just gotten your driving licence and Changbin had bought you a car as a gift for passing, so you decided to take him out for a drive
- "Are you confident?" he buckles himself in, tightly
- "I had 40 hours of lessons. Trust me, i'm confident," you smile at him comfortingly, reassuring him not to worry about your driving skills
- You weren't entirely confident with your driving, but you knew Changbin would probably make you feel a little better about yourself once you started driving
- Once the engine started, you reversed out into the roads
- You weren't exactly familiar with the streets or roads yet, but from your driving lessons you'd gotten the hang of it a little more
- "Are you sure you don't want me to drive, Y/n?"
- "Changbin," you sighed, looking over at him, "stop worrying. I can drive."
- You'd come up to a turning and turned the corner without hesitation
- Changbin jumped in his seat when you drove straight into a traffic cone, toppling it over
- He looks over at you with a frustrated look, as if he knew not to trust your words
- You shrugged, looking at the cones lined up, "I guess the road's closed."
- He glares and squints his eyes, "ya think??"
- "Okay, okay. That was my fault, I'm sorry."
- You apologised before reversing back
- You didn't realise how far you pushed down on the accelerator, and you found yourself crashing into a sign next to the pedestrian
- "Phew," you breathed a sigh of relief, smiling at Changbin, "we're lucky there were no pedestrians-"
- "Get out, I'm driving."
- "Okay," you accept immediately as he gets out and shoves you out of the car

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