𝑌𝑜𝑢'𝑟𝑒 𝑎𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 ℎ𝑜𝑠𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 - 𝐻𝑦𝑢𝑛𝑔 𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑒

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Requested by skzclownstay

POV: They rush to the hospital when you have an accident and end up injuring/breaking something.

Bang Chan:

- You'd go to the hospital without letting him know- He'd get home from work and call you to see where you are, you'd explained that you were at the hospital so he rushes over to see you - Goes into instant panic when he sees you lay on a hospital...

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- You'd go to the hospital without letting him know
- He'd get home from work and call you to see where you are, you'd explained that you were at the hospital so he rushes over to see you
- Goes into instant panic when he sees you lay on a hospital bed
- It wouldn't be anything extremely serious
- He'd take care of you nevertheless
- "What did you do?" He brushed his hand along the bandage wrapped around your entire arm
- "I just wanted to make you food." You sighed, realising that he wouldn't have eaten anything, "I spilt the hot water everywhere..."
- You said it as if you were apologising, and you were
- He'd smile and kiss your forehead, thanking you for trying
- "I told you before I left for work that I'd cook tonight. Let me cook you something when we get back."
- He'd leave you at the hospital to get some medication and buy some extra bandages just in case you needed them
- Would make sure you're not hurt anywhere else before taking you home and cooking for you

Lee Minho:

- I wouldn't be surprised if he was the one who put you in hospital in the first place- You decided you'd go out for the day together but ended up in A&E- Technically, it was his fault since you tripped over HIS foot- He'd laugh at first when you ...

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- I wouldn't be surprised if he was the one who put you in hospital in the first place
- You decided you'd go out for the day together but ended up in A&E
- Technically, it was his fault since you tripped over HIS foot
- He'd laugh at first when you fell but soon realised you were actually hurt and called for an ambulance
- At first, he'd feel guilty because he tripped you up in a way, you reassured him that it wasn't his fault
- When you fell, you assumed you'd just twisted your ankle and bruised the bone, you didn't expect an x-ray
- As soon as an x-ray was mentioned, Minho would start panicking and get worked up, thinking he really hurt you
- Turns out, you'd fractured your ankle, which you definitely didn't see coming
- Minho was freaking out a lot more than you were
- He probably needed the hospital bed more than you did, he blamed himself for hours
- "Can you get me some ice cream?" You looked up at him, brushing your fingers gently over the back of his hand
- "Huh?" His brows raised, "Are you hungry? Make a list. I'll go and buy you some snacks and-"
- "Minho, you need the ice cream more than I do, let's be honest." You grinned, "I'm not mad at you if that's what you think. You didn't purposely trip me up."
- "...Yeah..." He laughed awkwardly, standing up in a rush, "I'll get ice cream."

Seo Changbin:

- Definitely wouldn't think going to the hospital was necessary, even though you did fall down the stairs

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- Definitely wouldn't think going to the hospital was necessary, even though you did fall down the stairs...
- Would act as if he was the doctor and question you about the pain you were feeling
- Ended up realising you were in a lot of pain and that you'd really hurt your back on your way down, he finally called an ambulance for you
- While you waited for the ambulance to arrive, he'd practically scold you and give you a lesson on how dangerous it is to run down the stairs with SOCKS
- "I keep telling you, but you never listen to me..." He sighed, "What am I supposed to do with you?"
- You extended your arms towards him with a wide grin on your face, "Love me?"
- He tutted and looked away, refusing to give in easily
- He'd offer to go in his car so the ambulance didn't feel as crowded, and he'd be able to drive you home afterwards (it also gave you a chance to come up with a few excuses so that you could bite back at him if he yelled at you again)
- Initially decided he should sit in the waiting room while you had a check-up, but you'd asked him to go in with you
- Being alone in a hospital room made you feel extremely uncomfortable, especially when someone had to examine your body so closely, you just felt nervous if Changbin wasn't with you
- He'd agree to go in with you and just sit holding your hand, it made you feel a little safer and more comfortable
- After being told you'd bruised your back and needed desperate rest, you realised that meant more time with Changbin
- "This means you have to stay home, right? So you can look after me?" You looked up at him excitedly
- He smiled, sighing quietly, "Is that what you want? Do you want me to stay with you until you get better?"
- You nodded aggressively
- It didn't seem like he was up to it, but he liked the idea of it more than you thought

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