Ken Tachibana

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Tachibana puts gloves on Tori since everything he touches he freezes but the doctor said it's perfectly fine. He carries Tori into the building who yawns and falls asleep in his arms. They never slept because he took him from expert to expert to try and figure out how to handle his ability.

It's rare for one to manifest so soon and the earlier it manifests the more powerful it will be, but most doctors mentioned that abilities that manifest in children this soon end up killing the child. 

It's absolutely dreaded by doctors when a child is born with an ability because most never make it past the one year mark.

The right age for an ability to manifest is 3 years and upwards. Sooner than that doctors hope and pray for a miracle, but at the moment they are still hoping and praying. They do not know how to fix the early ability problem.

Yuno runs to Tachibana and watches Tori sleep.

"I take it you're done with Mr Ryujin?"

"Yes sir, though could you explain why you kidnapped Bobo. I was worried sick, literally."

He rolls his eyes and hands the boy over to her walking to his office. He has back to back meetings scheduled. The first one is with Setsuno Suzuki, he has the ability of plant manipulation.

Tachibana wants to upgrade his hotel by having a beautiful floral theme all year round, with his ability he can keep the roses and plants bright and blossoming January to December.

After that it's a meeting with the head of the Kagawa prefecture about the misappropriated funds and a possible solution that doesn't involve just letting the contract die just like that.

Mr Roman will be coming to him about his business with the Roman High academy. Currently it's the only school that accommodates children with abilities without prejudice. 

Tachibana will be donating funds to the school to make the fees more affordable for other children with special abilities.

Most of the teachers there can relate to the struggle of being ostracized so those children will find a home there.

Yuno takes a nap and wakes up to find Tori gone. She wonders the building only to find out he's been kidnapped by Tachibana again, "Oi, Miss Sensen, did he explain to you where he's been with Tori?"

"No, they're leaving again in fact."

Yuno's face pales she can appreciate him helping, but this is straight A kidnapping. "Did he say where they're going and when they'll be back?"

"Not a single word."

Tachibana gets in the car and drives to his first meeting.

"Can you explain to me why we've kidnapped this boy?" His Personal Assistant asks. He's the only person that isn't afraid of Tachibana. Most employees are afraid of him more than the actual boss.

He stares at the baby holding a set of plastic keys wiggling them up and down. The Personal Assistant does not understand why Tachibana let him tag along.

"He freezes everything he touches and there's a new law that everyone with a new ability has to get tested and registered. The Kaminari Corp has built a new system that identifies people with abilities very easily and today they will start putting them up all over Japan.

"Hitori has to be registered either wise everywhere he goes alarms will sound off and more bullshit."

"Oh, you mean that crazy rule that those with abilities will only be allowed to visit certain areas is going to be officially dropped?"

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