"I will protect you ..."

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Yuno walks into Ryu's apartment looking the place over her sister has always been messy but the mess she is seeing at the moment is just laziness on fleak.

"You want something?" Ryu asks yawning Tori didn't sleep last night and when he finally fell asleep he was up again in an instant.

"To see Bobo." Yuno softly replies showering Tori with tight hugs and kisses that he missed very much.

"It's been a month without any communication from Tachibana tell him Tori is out of diapers." Ryu states with a chilled expression on her face.

Yuno glares at her, "You won't turn Tachibana into your personal bank account and you won't use Tori to get to him either, besides he's been busy.

"You should try it sometime, like try cleaning your room, or kitchen, or living room, or I don't know, this entire place! I don't even know where I'm standing right now."

She grabs Bobo's favourite stuffed animal playing with him all day until he falls asleep.

"How's school going? Kai mentioned Tachibana is the one paying. Are you sleeping with the guy for his money or something?"

"I'm not sleeping with any guy and it's rude of you to think that." Yuno uses a scolding tone making Ryu chuckle. She simmers down and her mood shifts instantly from angry to heart warming.

"I won't lie, I'd think the same thing, but do learn to keep those thoughts to yourself. Not all men are such vultures." Yuno pecks Tori's forehead before she leaves and goes back to campus.

"Miss Lin."

She turns around and Kaminari is inside a red Mercedes C63 Air-Class. "What do you want?" She asks with a bitter tone glaring at Kaminari who only sighs.

"Get in the car, Miss Lin."

Yuno surprises Kaminari when she shifts her feet taking a fighting stance. He used to train in the art of the gentle fist as well. The stance she is in is one that higher ranked Shiden Fudo martial artists know.

Tachibana's car swerves by the corner stopping in front of Kaminari's car. "Get inside." Ackerman orders.

Yuno gets in the car sighing in relief.

Ackerman driving away but Kaminari is driving behind them.

"This isn't a speed chase is it?" Yuno asks sceptic and worried.

"Depends on them." Ackerman presses the accelerator kicking into higher gear to remind Kaminari he is in a good car, but he's in a better one. The fastest sports car in this current era.

Ackerman takes a hidden underground short cut stopping outside the Palace watching Yuno walk into the building stomping to Tachibana's office nearly tripping on one of Tori's toys. The room doesn't even look like an office anymore.

"Tachibana! what's going on? What's with all the drama that keeps following you around?"

Tachibana huffs rolling his eyes, "Calm down, just heal his leg and he'll leave you alone."

Yuno's face slightly drops Tachibana looks stressed and that's saying something since he always looks like he's a sexy God even on a bad day, "Is everything alright K..."

Kaminari bursts through the doors like he owns the place, smiling, his pot belly leading the way.

Tachibana turns to Yuno who is very upset at the moment and he doesn't know why.

She turns to Kaminari for some reason she wants to knock his teeth out for upsetting Ken.

Tachibana's eyes widen when Yuno slowly levitates glaring at Kaminari who looks mortified.

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