"Can we talk?"

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Yuno wakes up to see Tori watching her sleep. She smiles and pecks his forehead, hugging him tight soaking up the cuddles, playing with him until a knock on her door interrupts their play time. She opens the door and it's someone she did not expect to see at all.

"Hey Yuno, you mind if I come in?"

Yuno steps aside allowing the random female to walk into the room.

The unexpected guest's wondering eyes land on Hitori, he's all grown up and she can't believe it's been 9 months.

This year has been flying by for her she wonders what it's been like for Yuno.

She sits next to Tori passing on his stuffed animal to the stranger, "Thank you." She replies, turning to Yuno with a smile on her face only to be met with a hard slap across the face.

"You just waltz in here with that cheesy smile on your face and suddenly I'll welcome you with open arms? Do you have any idea what I've been through? What he ate? What he wore? All of it?

"Now you want to just flash a smile and it's all okay? It's not Ryu, I don't care what you came here for but you will not have Tori. You need money? How much?"

Ryu chuckles and stands up looking around the suite it's one of the luxury rooms, "All of Tachibana's employees get rooms like this, or is it just you?" Ryu looks around ignoring the slap to the face, but her presents makes Yuno's blood boil.

The only thing going through Yuno's mind is that her sister is hopeless. Ryu has always acted a little crazy now she believes that she is. "This whole floor is for employees, why are you here?"

Ryu shrugs her shoulders, "I don't know, I saw you and I came to see you, what other reason do I need to be here? I was surprised that he's Tachibana's mystery baby, so I got curious, what you did to my baby?"

Ryu snorts, "How did you coax Tachibana into being a baby daddy to a child that's not his?"

"What do you want?" Yuno asks glaring at her older sister who just twirls and flops on the bed making herself comfortable.

Tori smacks her on the face and she turns around glaring at him, she raises her hand instantly startling the baby.

Yuno stops her from laying a finger on him.

Tori starts to cry prompting Yuno to toss Ryu out.

"Don't come back. I never want to see you again." 

"Woah, What's going on?" Ackerman looks between the two females. Tachibana behind him holding the travel bag with Tori's stuff.

"She's not welcome here." Yuno points a finger at Ryu shutting her door to pick up Tori and wipes his tears away.

That was a bad move on her part she shouldn't have done that with Tori in the room, he might start thinking violence is the way to solve things.

Ackerman talks to Ryu outside while Tachibana walks towards Tori.

Ryu catches a glimpse of Tachibana scolding Tori and the baby laughs.

Yuno gives him a guilty look.

"What?" Tachibana asks

Yuno shakes her head and he rolls his eyes.

"Fine, I'll ask Hitori what happened." Tori chuckles and swipes his hand at Tachibana and Yuno jumps freaking out. Tori is already showing signs of being surrounded by violence.

"Okay, in my defence Tori learned through observation." Yuno looks at Tachibana who's still very clueless about what she's talking about.

He takes Tori from her giving him a lecture about violence, "I'm tired of having this conversation with you Hitori."

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