In love?

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Tori watches as Tachibana puts his shoes on. The female looks between Tori and Tachibana. "You don't look alike, you sure she didn't play you into this?"

"Candice why don't you do yourself a favour and hike to the top of the tallest building in the world, and throw yourself over it'll save me the trouble of pushing you off myself."

Tori notices Tachibana holding the gloves he took off, "No." Tori screams and starts crying, he's learned when to use no and right now everyone's attention is turned to the baby screaming no repeatedly while crying.

"Okay!" Tachibana throws the gloves in Candice's face and picks up Tori, "Freeze me and I'll burn you to ashes."


"Oh yeah? You think I won't do it?"


Tachibana tickles Tori and his giggles echo in the whole store. One person is not too happy about that.

"You are a lying bastard Ken." Candice crosses her arms.

"Bold words from a lying bitch."

Tori starts crying, lately anytime Tachibana or Yuno are a little tense he has a whole crying fit that will not simmer down for up to an hour.

"A baby with trauma is not in any of the textbooks." Tachibana mutters before he pays for the clothes. He was planning on doing some more shopping but Tori's mood just hit rock bottom.

He walks to the underground parking lot patting Tori on the way to the car comforting him enough to sleep it off.

Candice follows behind Tachibana and catches up to him right after he strapped Tori in closing the backseat, "Ken, you gave me the impression you did not want a future with me." Candice announces from behind him.

Her heart beat racing and the blood pumping in her ears the expression on her face is complete and utter shock she never thought there would ever be a day where she's the one running after a man.

Ken glares at her and she gulps, "Is that what I said?" He asks with a cross look and serious eyes staring straight at Candice.

"No, but …" She tries to explain her side but - 

Tachibana's striking tone hits her core, her mouth shut instantly, stuttering backwards on the spot and fully submitted, "Than save me the excuses because the truth is that you really didn't care.

"You were no different from all the other gold-digging women you hung around with, but I'll give you points for at least having me fooled for 2 years."

"You said you didn't want any kids, now here you are with a baby boy doing shopping actually being a father."

"I hate kids he's different."

"Our child could've been different."

"Did you come to that conclusion before or after you got rid of it? Or was it that you were worried I would find out the child you were carrying was never mine to begin with?"

Candice's mouth drops and Tachibana gets in the car driving to Roman high. Candice is left at a loss for words nearly losing her balance, no one has ever made her feel like that before.


Kai recognises the car from a mile away and runs outside to get Tori.

"Please don't let him freeze anything and call Yuno to tell her he's here I'll be working till late."

Kai nods and puts the gloves on Tori with ease.

Tachibana growls as he realises that Tori is super unfair, he always has to fight with Tori before the baby agrees to keep the gloves on for at least an hour yet Kai didn't just not have to fight Tori for cooperation. Tori freely lifted his hands .

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