Chapter Four

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You found yourself once again at your dreaded sixth period class.

Please, for the love of God, do something that makes you unattractive

You sat down at the same table as you did yesterday.

"Sooo, y/n, you gonna have a hard time focusing today?"

Please shut up Caroline, "No, no I should be fine" You said with a small smile.

"Hello tired juniorrrsss!" Chris walked in "Let's get into our agenda, for the first thirty minutes, we'll be doing a brief what-do-you-know assignment, which will basically be you making a brief, brief presentation on what you remember, if it's nothing, great, if its our entire unit, well, I don't know why you're not in apush, but great. It's simply a participation grade. You'll be presenting to me one on one for a maximum of 1 and a half minutes. Write down whatever you want for a notecard. If you finish early, work on your get-to-know me project. Go!" He said all of that while smiling hot as hell dammit

By the time your thirty minutes were up, you had finished your presentation and practiced it three times. You had also started on your project, which you knew you would go above and beyond for because I really, really want him to like me.

You continued to work on your project until he called you up to his desk to present.

"Try not to pass out during your presentation, y/n" Daphne smirked, you were pissed she said that but happy that she decided to be quiet about it.

"Thanks" you said through gritted teeth

Once you sat down with your notes at his desk you were fine

How does him smiling just make me feel ok? Like, how is that possible?

"Hi, nice to meet you, y/n."

"Nice to meet you too" You said cordially

"So, enlighten me on U.S History" Chris clapped his hands together softly

"So, the United States, founded in 1776," you said "Thats all thank you!" you paused "I'm kidding" you expected a small laugh when you said that but you found Chris nearly falling out of his chair laughing, hand on the left side of his chest, although he was so muscular in that shirt it was practically a boob. You continued giving the rest of your presentation.

"That takes us to basically where we are today, with the exception of the last thirty years or so" You wrapped at just a few seconds before the one-thirty mark.

"Excellent job, really y/n, I'm really impressed, if you don't mind me asking pre-project submission, are you a big U.S History fan?"

"Yeah, I am" You nodded

"That's good to hear, I'm always glad to know I have another enthusiast with me when I'm having a class discussion" Chris seemed genuinely happy when you told him that.

Oh my gosh pleaseee, that went so well omg I hope he likes me please

You found yourself thinking like a giddy sixth grader who had just had a boy smile at her.

A/n: Lmao so the joke I had y/n say wasn't the greatest but whatever it seems like Chris will laugh at anything anyways. Expect a ton of new chapters next week because I'll be on break from school! I'll be writing the chapter where the confess their feelings for each other shortly, however I still have a backlog of chapters to upload.

Note for Jana: Happy Birthdayyyy!

History Class w/ Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now